
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Don't Fear, Don't Fret, Don't Faint, Don't Forget

Thursday, July 23, 2015.
Today was one of the best days I have had in a long time.  
Today I started my first clinical rotation as a nursing student.
Today, nothing really out of the ordinary happened, but I enjoyed it so much.
Today included encouragement, in which I continuously told to have faith in God, that if I put my trust in Him, everything will fall into place; "trust in God and He will take you on such an awesome journey you won't forget and you won't regret."
Today was simple and long, but today I was able to let go of a lot of anxiety I had been holding.
This morning, I told God to do work on me, to allow his peace to over come my raging sea of angst and hurt and pain.  Through one little lady, he was able to brighten my day and encourage me to keep on truckin'.
Today I realized that through the career path of nursing people may think I am serving others, but really those others are serving me.
"Don't fear, don't fret, don't faint, and don't forget."
Even in those times where I feel most helpless, I have a hope to hold on to; everything will be okay.
Week Three is in the books!
Only sixty-six more weeks to go! 
But boy am I excited!
At the beginning of this journey, my big source of nervousness was being able to 'fit in' and make friends with my fellow classmates.  Well, when you are stuck together with your nursing peers for anywhere from 6-10 hours out of the day, four days a week, you get pretty close pretty fast.  I am so thankful for all of them.  They are down-to-earth, they will listen to my complains or aggravations and understand because they are going through this with me, step by step.  A big part of the nursing career is the inter-disciplinary team where the individual nurse is able to communicate with fellow nurses and other team members, such as doctors and PTs or OTs.  It is kinda funny how the nursing program is set up, because it practically forces us to become friends.  Grabbing others for assistance and support is a built-in human safety mechanism; we nursing students especially need it to make it through our two-and-a-half-year long boot camp.  We learn to depend on others during school and will be accustomed to this reliance on others when we become professionals; I mean, after all, you can't do the health care field on your own, you need other people. 
Being able to trust others and depend on them is one of the greatest feelings in the world.  It motivates and directs me to success; I couldn't ask for anything else.

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In other news: FOOD!  I had a few minutes on my hands. . . well, not really. But I wanted to make some granola, and this recipe seemed too good to pass up.  So in between studying nursing theories, bowel elimination, and writing a paper, I whipped up some caffeine-rich granola.  

Simply Elizabeth's Original Granola Recipe
Mocha Espresso-Nut

Ingredients for every 3 cups of oats:
(dry) 2.5 tbsp espresso (more or less depending on desired strength of coffee flavor)\\ 1/2 cup cocoa powder\\ 1/4 cup whey protein powder\\ 1/2 cup flax seed\\ 1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts\\
(wet) 2 tbsp vanilla extract\\ 1/2 cup honey\\ 3 tsp olive oil\\

Directions preheat 350F\\ mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately, then mix together thoroughly\\ place on butter sprayed tray\\ bake at 350F until crunchy\\

Watch out! Because you could burn this recipe and not notice it until you smell the burning, and then its too late!  Also, there is a high amount of caffeine in this recipe due to the cocoa powder and the espresso, so if you want to get a good night's sleep before a nursing exam on Monday, do not eat this Sunday night!

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PLEASE! Before you click the "exit this tab" button, please watch this homemade video produced and edited by the author of this blog. 
Featuring: clips of us acting normal.
Please note: no one was harmed in this video; only some minor chills from cold mountain water and responsible driving in the neighborhood going 1.3 MPH.
And if ~you~ are reading this, know that this video was made just with you in mind. Not the most extravagant gift, but one from the heart. Thank you teaching me how to love unconditionally and showing me that yes, in fact I have gained the capacity to do so, to love unconditionally. 
I pray for you every day, that you will find the path with which God has entrusted in you.  With me or not, I know you will find your way, and I will find mine.
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If you’re looking for a happy ending and can’t seem to find one, maybe it’s time to start looking for a new beginning.

The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. 
Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.