
Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Look into Past Blogs

Instead of preparing a post for today, I wanted to dive into previous blog posts I have written on other blogs of mine in the past!
It is beautifully interesting to read my previous writing and see how far I have come not only in my writing skills but in my personal growth as a human being and a spiritual soul.
I find it so interesting when I look back to old blogs, I read through all of my posts and am able to look on my past and see my growth. Don't feel as if you must read these old blog posts - this is mainly just for myself. 

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The first post can be found at this link.
Like a Bird; Fly Away
  Every daddy is attached to his daughter, and does not want to watch them grow up.  Sometimes, even I do not want to grow up; but growing up is only a step closer to finding your way in life.
  Lately, I have changed my mindset; trying to become more positive is not always easy.  "You are your best worse enemy," are the words of a very wise man whom I know.  Every time I get discouraged, I run words through my head repetitively which help encourage me, and I am able to complete the task I once thought I could not do.  "You can do it." "You will get this." These words may sometimes trick one into thinking you are selfish, prideful, or over-confident.  What I have found is these words can help you reach a new level, and can help change a person for the better.
I play volleyball.  I, as an athlete, know people become increasingly better in their, until they hit a wall where they believe that they may no longer become increasingly better.  I thought I had hit this wall, until I changed my mindset from you are not good enough, to you can do anything you believe you can do.  Overcoming the stuck mindset has improved me in more areas than just this one.
  If you change your mindset, you can change your world.  I had not realized how true this quote was, until I tried it, and it worked.  I do believe, with the help of my God, I can become better, and only better, because I WILL NOT allow myself to become worse.  I will not walk back down a hill I have already traveled:for, I wish to see only new sights, enabling me to learn only more.

  What does growing up and a positive mindset have in common? Well, if you make these two things have something in common, it will improve your world.  As you grow older, desire to become wiser and more positive, in order to understand and become the person you are meant to be. 

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This blog post can be found at this link.
Death is Not the End
  Death.  Once you are born into this world, there is only one way out, and it has to be death.  It is something everyone must, at some time, go through.  No matter how it is defined in the dictionary, or by doctors and scientists, death is, indeed, the absence of the soul from the body.

  Once one dies, the next step is a funeral, and there are always many tears and tissues.  Some write letters to their deceased loved one.  Most feel an ache in their soul because they will never, in this life, be to see them again.  They feel bad for themselves. 

   My grandfather died less than six months ago.  It was unexpected, and at first, it seemed like the end of the world; everything just moved so fast.  Then, I stepped back and looked at the situation that I was in. I was beyond sad that he was gone, but was it because of how I wanted him back? yes.  I was sad for all the wrong reasons. I was self absorbed by my own feelings, not remembering that he is no longer suffering here on this earth. I know one might wonder, when not have been in the situation yet, why people are sad when one dies. I think we are more shocked by the realization that we have a certain number of years before we die and join that person, whether it be two years or twenty years. Such a long period of time can create a distance between two people; and sometimes it is hard to understand.

   Some people think of death as a dark, black, sinister thing; but when one, a Christian, really looks at it, they see a bright picture that was painted with the love of God. The only thing that stops most Christians from their own death from this world is knowing that each person, to include themselves, had a duty to complete, a mission to achieve, and until we die, we have not fully completed that mission.  God gives us a certain amount of time to complete what we were put on this earth for.  Once our mission is completed, he calls us back home, so he does not have to be separated from us, and we do not have to separated from him.

I guarantee all the dead people on earth who are now in heaven would never want to come back.  They are just waiting for us to complete our journey, so we, one day, will be reunited with the ones who completed their missions before we completed ours.