
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Preparing to Fly

In the life of a nursing student: juggling 20 chapters for a final, multiple NCLEX study assignments while trying to stay in shape, sane, and not go totally burzurk when people choose to be completely ridiculous.

In just the past week I have learned approximately seven lessons.
1. Even in college, "senioritis" is a real thing.
2. Enjoy all moments, because they will pass and you are sure to miss them when they do.
3. Challenge yourself to grow. 
4. Challenge yourself to stay true to your beliefs and values as others "test your patience."
5. When you take leadership positions, remember that there is no way to please everyone.
6. Do crazy things - like submit your senior thesis manuscript to a undergraduate research journal - 'cause crazy things might just come out of that, things that you didn't even know of which you were capable.
7. Be flexible - life is a little easier when you're schedule and personality isn't so rigid.
One more week completed means one less week until pinning, graduation, and starting my career as a nurse.  With each completed assignment, each passed test, and each passing day, I feel different. 
 Not to sound cliche, but I feel as if the little caterpillar I once was is finally now turning into a butterfly; all this hard work, all the uphill challenges faced were not for nothing.  
It sometimes takes a while, and the Lord knows I am not a patient human being, but when we are able to piece every part of the chaotic and seemingly messed up pieces of our life together, the victory is just that much more meaningful.
I am thankful for the crazy challenges over the past two years.  Nursing school throws a lot at you; you start to question, well, a lot.  On top of that, life doesn't just stop being you are in nursing school; one must continue to face the challenges that regular ole life throws at them, such as a broken ankle. 
These crazy challenges have prepared me to fly, and as everything starts wrapping up and coming together, I realize that yes, I am slightly nervous and maybe under prepared to begin this 'flying' journey - yet, I could not be more excited to dive head first into challenges that will help me to continue to grow as a nurse and in my personal life as well.

In the coming weeks, I take on the challenges of the last month of nursing school which include that of being a full-time clinical nursing student, literally.
This section of my senior year chapter in my book of life will be one unique and new to me and my classmates; but, boy, am I thankful for those souls who I have been blessed to be surrounded by for the past two years.
Couldn't do it without them.

PS happy birth-week to my fav.
Love you tons, boo-boo bear!