
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Overwhelming Times call for Lifelines

"Rise up to the challenge."
It is easy to say, but sometimes hard to do. . which is why it is important to have encouragement-lifelines.  What are encouragement-lifelinesJust my short way of saying: a group of people who you can run to when you need direction or encouragement to keep on keeping on; those lifelines can {and should} consist of your family, friends, and, hopefully, your professors.  I am thankful, this week and every week, to have professors who believe in my ability to succeed and who are there to help me along the way.

So what about your life is so overwhelming, Elizabeth?
Well, I am so glad you asked. In reply to your 'question,' I will ask another question.

When giving a client Tamsulosin, the nurse should monitor for what adverse side effects? (Select all that apply):
A. Headache
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Nasal Congestion
D. Erectile Dysfunction
E. Orthostatic Hypotension
{HINT" Tamsulosin is a Alpha-1 blocker}

Oh and hey, if you mark one incorrect or you mark all but one correct answer, your answer is WRONG.  Welcome to my life. The life of answering questions out loud with "Well, I don't know"s and wondering how, in less than two years, my brain will comprise of a 250+ medications, their therapeutic uses and adverse effects, and so much more.
And sometimes, like now, I wonder why I tell people that I love this; all this work, all this brain-cramming. All the 5 chapter days (in just one class); all the missed gym days; all the not-cramming-for-a-test-but-cramming-for-my-future-profession; all the poor pens I have gone through; all the pieces of paper which almost don't fit into my binder {and I'm just entering into the second month of school}; all the hopeless feeling moments. 
After the past three months, I now look to any RN as a genius; I look up to them, 'cause now I know how intense this nursing school business is.

How did the 'surviving nursing school' go for this week?
After all, my blog is about surviving nursing school.
When Friday arrives each week, I am so thankful.  I have time to sit back and s t u d y . Oh, and I blog a little too.
Mike and Sully helped me get through this week; On Wednesday after my clinical-introduction day, instead of finishing a care plan and studying some Health Assessment stuff, I sat down and watched Monster's University on my laptop.  Then, when I came home on Thursday, my brain was exhausted, but I didn't feel like hitting the hay at 7:30 PM, so I decided to take out our Monster's Inc. VHS and rest my brain waves.  Thanks to Mike and Sully, I was able to get through this week with some needed laughs.  
 I also took a trip away from the ole stomping grounds {aka. my house} to work on some work and get a cup of coffee.  Before the season is over, I WILL get a pumpkin spice flavored coffee. 
Maybe next Friday. . .

To answer the question I asked you earlier about Tamsulosin, the adverse effects include: A. Headache, C. Nasal Congestion, D. Erectile Dysfunction, and E. Orthostatic Hypotension. 
You have survived one minute of nursing school, congrats. 
My average day consists of 359 more of those minutes. . at least. 

*     *     *

So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away

You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, its falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held

If your eyes are on the storm
You'll wonder if I love you still
But if your eyes are on the cross
You'll know I always have and I always will

And not a tear is wasted
In time, you'll understand
I'm painting beauty with the ashes

Just be held
I am going to take little-Lizzie's advice: let loose of frustration, sit back, relax, and enjoy the outside weather.