
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cupcake, Clinical & Coffee. . OH MY!

"The weeks seems to speed by, but the weekend disintegrates faster." 
~ a nursing school students who needs a nap.
This week was unique, which is totally okay since this added the 'interesting' factor which the motivation-spark inside of me needed.

cookie cake monday
Sunday night I went to sleep nineteen years old and Monday morning, I woke up two decades old. OMG WHAT? Where has my childhood gone?  Most of me wanted to stay young, like below the thresh hold of the 20's; because every accomplishment seems to be more notable, grabbing more people's attention, the younger one is.   
My grandmother made me a nice high-sugar cookie cake, and yes I did eat a piece along with my new PECAN PIE COFFEE my sister got from The Fresh Market as a portion of my birthday gift. . . yes, coffee and I are getting too close too quick.
 cupcakes, weights and nap day tuesday
It is just another one of those moments where I realize how blessed I truly am.  I have been in nursing school for a little less than three months; I have known my classmates {friends} for less than three months, but we are like a little family.  I mean, it is expected to grow attached to these ladies and gentlemen when your life revolves what their life revolves around: nursing school. Constantly in each other's presence, we can't help but become a mini family. 
One of my classmates friends brought cupcakes in on Tuesday; although it is a small gesture, it meant a lot.  In high school, it was rare for friends of mine to bring sweets as a celebration.  It is a lovely feeling to be celebrated in such a way, with three-month-long-friendships friends actually caring
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My dear friend {my lovely UNCP nursing student peer}, you are entering a field that was made for you; you are going to be an outstanding nurse.  As we have already learned, important characteristics of a true nurse include the desire to facilitate teamwork and the ability to be dedicated to others through being compassionate and caring. We work so well together, all of us; we have quickly become less and less like strangers and more and more like a functional family working together though teamwork. I am so thankful to have entered this nursing program at such a perfect time to be able to make the relationships I have thus far.  The next three semesters will be challenging, but I know I will be able to get through it because I am able to walk through it with our new-found family.  Thanks for being my motivation, a hand to hold, a ear to listen, and a soul with whom to share laughs. Let our futures begin.
first clinical day wednesday
"You can't scare me. I am a nurse - I get paid to stab people with sharp objects."
Clinical day is always the day for which I am most anxious.  I voluntarily am plucked out of my comfort zone and am dropped into the world of nursing.  These days seem to whiz by, and my apprehension is dissolved until the next week. 
Every clinical day, on my way to my clinical site, I pray for a surprise from God; for him to show me a new mindset, grant me the ability to be more thankful or compassionate, for him to allow be to gain something while giving. This week, I gained a new mindset, one to be positive in any situation, no matter how hard, because "there is always someone out there who has it worse off than me." It is such a blessing to be able to walk into a place with sick and injured people, and be able to walk out with a sense of fullness. 
double test day thursday
Double test days aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be - I mean, they can be pretty sucky when a study schedule is not made and studying doe not happen over an extended amount of time before the day of the test.  My double test day actually turned out better than expected.
As my time to submit my second test drew near, tachycardia set in.  I mean, never in my life had I been this distressed in submitting an exam. {Maybe the too much coffee had something to do with my fidgety and increased anxiety mood}  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and asked God to calm me down.  I looked at a few of the questions about which I was uneasy before finishing up my exam, changed one answer, scrolled down to the bottom of my exam and clicked SUBMIT. Since we take the exam online, we get a grade instantly; when I saw the grade, my tachycardia turned into abscent-cardia. 'How did that happen?' rolled off my tongue. 
I thought I had failed but I made my best grade yet.
So, if you know me, I turn red all the time. I turn red when I workout; I turn red when I laugh hard; I turn red when I get frustrated; I turn red when I get embarrassed; I turn red when I don't know what I am doing; I guess you could say, red is a way of life. . my life.  In my nursing program, I am challenged to do things that are new to me, I am challenged to get out of my comfort zone and be out of control.  Because of this, I turn red - and my great nursing family enjoy to point out how red I am, which in turn makes me only turn redder. 
pumpkin spice cafe au late friday
I have fallen into a new ritual.  After gym-time, I hit the local coffee shop and treat myself to a cup of coffee and sit back and study. Since libraries in Fayetteville are 'ghetto,' the coffee shop is 'where it's at' in terms of studying Pharmacology.  Cafe Au Late has quickly become my favorite cup of coffee, so the past two weeks, I have asked to add a little flavoring to try something new. Last week was sugar free English Toffee, this past week was pumpkin spice
What will next week be? The world may never know. . well, until next week that is!

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