
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blogging is Fleeker than Studying for [PH]Farm

When google-pictures of compartment syndrome ease your frustration and anxiety of not being able to attend the Nick Jonas concert when you would have been able to, you know you have found the right field of practice.

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Weeks that consist of BP cuffs and NS friends are the best weeks. 
This week had its own uniqueness and proved to be no less interesting than all the other weeks which preceded it.  
Here are three lessons I learned from this week:
1. Rain won't make you melt
unless you are a witch, which thank goodness I am not {but Halloween is around the corner!}.  Just like mother nature will bring rain, life will bring challenges.  One of my favorite quotes is this: "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." This past week there were a few instances where I did not handle things in a way in which I should have; learning is key to improvement and improving character is something that takes work, that takes 'messing up' and 'fixing it.'  
Life will bring rain, but I can turn it into sunshine.
2. Sometimes being 'unknown' can make things easier
My professor explained this to me this week: when you work in an area in which you have grown up, you tend to run into clients who you know.  When that happens, you must remember that their hospitalization is to remain unknown unless they choose to release that information themselves {HIPAA rules and regulations}.  Knowing your clients may make things awkward, or make your work day easier, it all depends on the relationship with the person. Yeah, you want to keep yourself out of trouble by keeping people's hospitalizations on the DL, but think about the client as well.  Compliance with HIPAA is not only to keep yourself out of trouble, but to uphold client advocacy, sensitivity and compassion.
3. Dance parties are a workout
that is, if you actually dance; like, I mean, you actually move your legs, and not your butt. I don't consider a dance party a 'workout,' however, it does make me feel better about not going to the gym when my legs are sore the next day.
Sore legs are always better than a chubby midriff. 
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Oh, and did I mention I have had the pleasure of indulging once a week in CFA #teamskibo.  So thankful I am allowed the opportunity to work with some great Pals even if it is only one day a week!
Thanks to my lovers at CFA for enabling me to love my job, even though I work once a week.  Wish I could be there more often; but I am slowly making my way to the next step in my journey: a career.
Thanks to CFA for teaching me so much; I'm not quite done with you yet, so keep throwing challenges at me. Those challenges may suck during the time being, but all these challenges has helped me become who I am today, which for that I am thankful.

The Coffee Corner With Elizzy
A few weeks ago when I met up for coffee with one of my very best friends from high school, Bianca, I tried something new, which wasn't too new, but was the the right amount of new; and I fell in love. 
ok. So I have never been a big coffee drinker, but nursing school does something to you. Past or present nursing school students, I know you understand me!
With what drink did you fall in love? the Café au lait. 
Café au lait is French for "coffee with milk" in which hot milk is added; it differs from white coffee, which is coffee with cold milk or other whitener added. "White coffee" would be the type of coffee I drink when I am at home, since I don't warm my milk before adding.
In many American coffeehouses, a café au lait is a drink of strong drip brewed or French pressed coffee, to which steamed milk is added; this contrasts with a caffè latte, which uses espresso as a base.
Cool how something which sounds so sophisticated, Café au lait, is nothing more than coffee and milk. 
Well, it is my new favorite drink, especially when I get it from The Coffee Scene. 
Each week I try to add a new flavoring into it, and since The Coffee Scene has a whole sheet full of all their different flavors, I can never get bored with the taste.  I have been forcing myself to try new tastes and have found a few of which I am fond.  This past week's flavor was gingerbread.  It seemed appropriate for my favorite season which is coming up, you know, Christmas.  I liked it, but it isn;t something that I would drink again; I mean, there are other flavors i enjoy more.  So bye-bye gingerbread; peppermint, I do welcome you with open arms.  When they get that flavor in, you better believe I be chugging down a whole gallon of it!
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When you run to your car in the pouring rain, end up getting soaked, and don't really mind because you enjoyed your day as a student nurse, you know you have found your niche.