
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Age is a Number, Indeed

I entered the college life a little younger then most people do, at the age of seventeen.  Granted, the normal age is about eighteen right? So I am just a few months ahead of the game (thanks to my birthday which is late in the year).  But when you start nursing school, the age difference is even more exaggerated.
My senior year of high school, two months before I graduated, I made a pretty big life decision: to go to Pembroke for nursing school.  As I started school, from many, I got the typical oh, don't worry, you can always change your mind. . . change your major; when they said this, all I heard was blah blah blah, not in a disrespectful way, but more so in the way that they apparently did not know me well enough to understand that there was no changing my mind. 
One of my favorite stories is the story of how I 'chose' to go to Pembroke. It was two months before graduation and I had to make a decision because I had literally put it off until the last day.  My head was infatuated with Campbell University and anything other than that was a 'no.'  However, the price tag was its biggest deterrent; which was Pembroke's biggest persuasion.  My parents called me down to my dad's office, since I had to make a decision, now. My dad talked finances and my mom talked through the logical thought process of why Pembroke was a good choice: she had gone and talked to many nurses and nursing managers at CFVHS about Pembroke's nursing school and was impressed with what she heard.  At the end of this family meeting, I stormed out of the room, angry, and announced that fine, I will go to Pembroke.  And let me tell you, that seemingly 'forced decision' to pick Pembroke is a decision I am very thankful I chose to take, even though it wasn't completely my decision. 
So I entered undergraduate studies at a seventeen-year-old and quickly learned how naive I was (and in many respects, nothing has changed since then). College can be crazy, but I rather be at home with my family drinking coffee and listening to Christmas music or watching nerdy animated TV shows. 
Now at age twenty, I am one of the youngest in my nursing program.  There are many in their twenties, like myself (ahh, what? no!) and there are many who are non-traditional students, some who have already gotten a degree and are coming back to school or who have decided they want to start a new journey in life.  This is one of my favorite parts of the nursing program - the age gap.  My plog for today is of pictures from my classmate's daughter's quinceanera. It is funny - I told my dad I was going to a quinceanera, a fifteen-year-old birthday party, and he was confused.  Here I stand: too old to be hanging out with fifteen-year-olds, but too young to be hanging out with fifteen-year-old's mothers! It was funny to see my sister tell a ninth grader whom recognized her from school that we are at the party because "my older sister goes to school with Taty's mom."  Seriously, this is one of my favorite parts of nursing school.  I mean, I much rather be hanging out with mature-minded adults than college-minded immature acting college student adults any day. 
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H a l f w a y   d o n e   w i t h   t h e   F a l l 2 0 1 5   s e m e s t e r !
H e r e   i s   a   P L O G   P o s t   t o   c o m m e m o r a t e !

A n d   H a p p y   S e a s o n   o f   P u m p k i n s !
So excited for the cooler weather and Christmas music of which I am currently listening to. . . Its the most wonderful time of the year!
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“An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.” ~Goi Nasu