
Sunday, October 18, 2015

People Eating Tasty Animals

Nursing Student A: You want to know what happened to me for the first time in nursing school?
Nursing Student B: You cried?
Well, if this was the case, this wouldn't have been the first time I have cried since beginning nursing school.  But this week, I did do something for the first time in my nursing school career, and that was wake up late.  On Monday, I woke up about the time that I am normally on my way out of the house. 6:54 is the time my clock read; and, you know, it is such a funny (ironic) thing how you can be so very tired one moment, and after looking at your clock, the next minute you have never felt more alive (more awake).  I was up and out of the house by 7:04.  Ten minutes it took me to run out of the house, but I sure did pay for it; no food in my lunch bag and one wrong pair of leggings later, I made it to Pharmacology class on time.

*     *     *

This week was filled with pharm note cards, health assessment studies, a care plan, and countless hours sitting in a stand looking for a deer that is worthy of my trigger finger. Don't worry you vegetarians, lucky for those deer, I wasn't given a change to use my trigger finger; many-a-deer were spared this long weekend, but just wait 'till next hunt.

Hello from your coffee addict.  Well, I wasn't going to drink coffee during this long weekend 'fall break,' because I didn't think I would miss it since I was taking a break from the busy life of nursing school.  I missed coffee - I could tell because I took nap after nap and was still exhausted.  It is just something about hunting camp that makes you want to sleep 24/7; I mean, sitting in a stand waiting for your dinner can be exhausting.  Anyways, dad was kind and brought me to the local convenient store to get 'coffee' - a.k.a. sugar water.  What happens at hunting camp stays at hunting camp - to include the crazy amount of sugar and carbs I consumed over this short amount of time. The coffee I seemed to inhale Saturday morning helped me get through my morning hunt without being tempted to take a nap. 
Nursing school changes you - you know, into a coffee addict.
 This week was interesting, and they will continue to get more interesting as the weeks progress.  This next week, my clinical group has IV day, where we learn how to insert and care for IVs.  You may want to stay away from me, because sticking people with sharp objects (needles) gets me pretty excited.
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
{Job 12:7-10}