
Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Beauty of Change

Without the troubles and trials God designed for me, I would not be the same person I am today.
"Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
I was looking at some pictures from about maybe six months ago; I was thinking about what was going on in my life then - what was going through my head, with what my thoughts and worries comprised.  Six months can make such a difference.  Looking at the pictures, I really didn't recognize myself, for my character and personality has since then changed. Who is that girl in that picture?  Indeed, it is my past, the past me, the girl from which I have learned a lot.  I am thankful for my past, for it has brought me to who I am today, who I am right now.
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S u n d a y -
Four months ago, I was under the impression that I was done working, that CFA wouldn't be on my schedule this semester.  Truly, I was saddened by this because CFA has become FAM.  So once the semester started and I saw that I would be able to take on at least one day of working each week, I asap-ly (totally not a word, but its my blog so get over it) texted my boss and told her I would be able to work on Saturdays.  Although Saturdays are always crazy, I am so happy that I am able to work because what would I do without the FAM.
One of my dear special friends and CFA FAM-member, Katie, had a baby shower last Sunday.  Of course, I had to get away from the monotony of studies and party with the girls (and Adam) who came to celebrate the coming of little Miss Mia. 
Thank you, CFA FAM for ending my weeks on a positive note; I am so blessed to have created friendships with many of my coworkers who are more like family.  And thank you, Skibo CFA, for being the reason I made these friendships which will last forever. Ya'll get me through the weeks, and for that I am very thankful.

These cupcakes were specially made by  Al's Sugar and Spice Co. Alexandra makes homemade professional cakes and cupcakes for any special occasion at a reduced price compared to her competitors. Contact me for more info!

W e d n e s d a y -
Today, I had to postpone my studies for ten minutes and just blog.  Today was a blessing - I mean, have you ever gone to a foreign country on a mission trip, hoping to be a blessing to others, to spread the gospel and change people's lives, but after reflecting upon the 10+ day trip, you realize that instead of blessing others, you feel more so that others blessed you? I only make this comparison because during my senior year mission trip, I felt just that.  I feel as if I was trying to be the blessing, when in reality, I was the one being blessed. And this is exactly how I felt today.  I walked into my clinical day, not expecting anything interesting to happen, just to come in, get some experience down my sleeve, and leave.  And, man, was I wrong.  I didn't really do much today, I mean, I didn't get to do 'cool' nursing stuff, like poking people with needles or changing wound dressings; instead, I sat and filled out clinical paperwork while I kept a fellow company.  I was blessed to be able to have the opportunity to be a listening ear and a hand to hold; I was blessed with the opportunity to give someone who didn't want to be alone some company; I was blessed to try and make a day better, to be an encouragement, and to lighten a burdened heart.  These are the types of days for which I live - to make a difference in people lives, to have the chance to let someone know that people do care and there are people who are willing to walk with you on life's challenging journey. Today, I wasn't able to empty a urinary catheter, or try to gain IV access, but I was able to give someone my time and attention, to show someone I care. 
These are the days for which I live.

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Sometimes, in order to grow into the person God wants you to be, you gotta leave behind what you thought you loved the most. Challenges and trials will be thrown at you, but remember, they are apart of building you - making you stronger, making you wiser.  When people ask me if what one thing I would go back and change if I could, I don't really know what to say, because my past has made me who I am now; without my past I wouldn't be me. There are many paths my life could have gone down, but I have taken the path less traveled by and it has made all the difference.
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So - you must stop by The Fresh Market to get their now seasonal coffee.  It is the BOMB, it is to die for; it is peppermint coffee!
Wait, on second thought don't get it - I am almost halfway through my bag and I will need to get some more soon, and I don't want them to be sold out.
So don't go - very very bad idea.
The coffee is [NOT] terrible.

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Deuteronomy 15:11: For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’

Three more weeks until my first full semester of nursing school is behind me.  But just because the 'school' part of the semester is over, doesn't mean I am putting my nursing-ness away completely. 
After all, this 'nursing school' thing is a continual race; life-long learning, right my fellow nurses?