
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Challenges Foster Great Strength

Oh, how life is such an interesting journey.

Monday morning I jump into my car, turn up the tunes, and put the pedal to the medal; I am running maybe two or three minutes behind, but it's OK 'cause I have my cup of coffee sitting shotgun. 
I look at the clock in my car subconsciously as it is a ingrained habit of mine. 7:59. I can feel my face flushing and I have a five second long spazz attack; after all, my first Monday morning class begins at 0800.  When I realize that I never changed the time in my car on 'fall back' daylight savings time day, I pick up my coffee, exhale, and change the time so I won't freak out again.
So fast forward about fifty minutes.  I get to school and open my trunk to get my bag. I smell vinegar.  But I didn't pack a salad or the complementary vinegar dressing. Where is that rancid smell coming from? Sure enough, a banana made its way to the bottom of my lunch bag's front pocket and decided to hide there as it rotted and fermented into banana vinegar.  For my fellow nurses - let me tell you, my hypoglossal nerve (CN IX) is intact as evidence by my positive gag reflex.

Side note: Whenever you have a problem like this, mix baking soda and distilled vinegar together - BUT make sure you mix them over a sink, or you make make a sixth-grade-science-project volcano (yeah, it spilled all over the kitchen floor in front of a OCD dad who can't stand messes made by his daughters).  Make sure you wash out said soiled lunch bag and let dry.  My lunch bag smells as good as new - no more fermented banana smell thank God!
*     *     *
Perfect holiday Starbucks run with the faves - Skinny Peppermint Mocha and Chestnut Praline Latte
I am a huge Peppermint fan - but let me tell you, if you haven't tried the Chestnut Praline Latte, you haven't the slightest idea what good-sugary-goodness is.
Oh, and then there are the pals, Jenny and Alexandra.
Time has a way of getting away from you when you are watching Hallmark Christmas movies, hunting, working, and shopping for Christmas presents.  Oh! I also made some Oatmeal Pumpkin Bars this past week, and they taste oh so good with PB (peanut butter, not piggy back, my dear fellow nurses). 
Caution no flour or sugar are added.

Oatmeal Pumpkin Bars
Ingredients: 2 cups oats and 1/2 cup almonds// 1/2 cup honey// 1 can puree pumpkin// splash of milk// 1/2 cup raisins// 1 egg// 1 smashed banana// 1/8 cup homemade pumpkin pie spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cloves)// 1 tsp baking soda// 1 tsp baking powder// 

Directions: Preheat oven 350F// combine oats and almonds in food processor and mix till it becomes a flour-like consistency// combine all ingredients and mix completely// transfer into baking pan and bake for 45 minutes to an hour//

You can eat them warm, pop them in the fridge for another day, or freeze them then take them to hunting camp and eat them with peanut butter! This is definitely a more healthy recipe for an oatmeal bar.  My dad likes to make his own for a hunting camp snack since the ones he used to buy at the store are too 'processed' for him - hey! those were his words not mine! But I would agree.  Anything you make at home is automatically more healthy than when bought pre-packaged, pre-wrapped, pre-made from a commercialized business. Who know what 'secret ingredients' they add in!
*     *     * 
So Christmas is around the corner, and so is my teaching project, my final checkoff, and exams - but I have four more 'normal' exams, I guess you can call it, before I head into the final sprint of my first semester nursing school marathon. 
Books are all over my room, coffee is running through my veins, and my face is breaking out due to a mixture of stress, chocolate, and life; but there is not time to stop going '100 miles an hour.'  Sleep feels like a distant second cousin and Christmas movies are my star-crossed lover, by dedication must prevail, for there is no time to stop running towards the end of the semester's goals.  
The last sprint of the marathon is the real test of the runner's motivation, dedication, talent and skill; when the runner can push back the voice that is telling him to stop and overcomes the challenge, victory is won and the stronger he becomes.  The same goes for me, for now. Strength is won with ever victory, no matter how small; challenges make up character and are forming me into the person I have always dreamed about becoming.
Never stop learning - Never stop growing