
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Boring Busy Blog Break

So this week has been really boring. . 
H A   J U S T   K I D D I N G !
Between running in and out of the hospital and getting paid to party at work with my friends, this week has been pretty eventful - on top of that, I have been eating too much sugary substances, not drinking enough of coffee, sleeping too much {and am still tired}, and slacking in my exercising. It has been really hard to say no to all my grandma's goodies, but what else am I supposed to do? It's read my pharmacology book or eat myself into a pre-diabetic state.
This past Sunday was my first CFA Christmas party.  I have been employed long enough for this to have been my second CFA Christmas party, but I was unable to attend last year's because of other work obligations.  I was sad when my sister refused to come with me because she had to 'study' for her 'chemistry final,' but you know, it's whatever {sarcasm}
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M o n d a y  was spent shadowing at the hospital.  Later in the day, I was blessed with an email from school which drove me into premature anxiety syndrome, PAS. Four days after my Fall 2015 semester was successfully completed, an email was sent from the nursing program letting kicking us into Spring 2016 semester mode.  Of course, I am thankful for the ability to have a head start on next semester, but I need some time to breathe - to not be required to think and just be a lazy vegetable/couch potato {while trying not to get fat}.  Nonetheless, my books for next semester have been purchased and I should be able to start studying in the next few days - you know, the nursing school #norm.  I mean, it's not like I have a life or anything {I am being so serious - in a semi-sarcastic, joking way}; (i.e.) on W e d n e s d a y 's hospital shadowing, my preceptor asked what my hobbies were, which seriously made me have to think.  I mean, for the past 6+ months my hobby has been passionately dedicating every spare moment to exceeding in school; other than going to the gym and working, my social life is non-existent; I really don't have time to do the other stuff I love, like writing and being crafty.  I guess you could say my current hobbies are blogging, eating, drinking coffee, and sleeping - what a life! 

Test your nursing knowledge : Getting ready for the NCLEX
What is the antidote for heparin overdose?
a. Vitamin K
b. Protamine Sulfate
c. Pantoprazole (Protonix)
d. Atropine Sulfate

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It is great to be able to gain experiences which can lead you to your future.  This past week I was blessed with the opportunity to shadow at the hospital on my own time; these are hours not required for school, rather for me to gain a visual nursing experience and an understanding of what I do and do not want to do with my nursing career.  
I learned a couple things this week:
1. I have no desire to be a OR nurse or an CRNA (nurse anesthetist).  why? An OR circulating nurse's job is to document, retrieve any missing supplies, and participate in the patient hand off to the PACU nurse; the circulating nurse does not 'scrub in,' participating in no hands-on with the actual surgical procedure. On the other hand, the CRNA/anesthesiologist's job is to put the patient to sleep and wake them up.  The surgeon can stick and cut and slice open the patient all day long and I will not become nauseous; I start cringing when the patient is being intubated and I become tense when I watch the patient come out of anesthesia. I am sure I would become numb to these if it was my everyday job, however, I believe that that career direction is not for me.
2. Reason #2 why I rather not be an OR nurse: I want to take care of patients who are awake. I have heard many times that taking care of patients in the OR room is less stressful - the patient is asleep, 'you don't have to put up with them' and there is no family to get 'in the way.' But over the past few months, I have learned that I enjoy building a rapport with patients.  While shadowing on Thursday, the patient called the nurse over while she was in the room to personally thank her for caring for her.  Although it was a simple 'thank you,' the patient truly meant it from the heart, and it almost brought tears to my eyes.  When the patient and/or the family personally thanks you for the care you have supplied the patient, it is so rewarding - it brings me joy as my heart tells me that I have found the right profession. 
3. Being in the 'adult world' is not going to be easy.  I am only twenty years old, and when I graduate and become a practicing nurse, I will be twenty-one going on twenty-two.  On top of that, I look younger than my younger sister; I expect the same-ole-same-ole "What grade are you in?" and even "Are you old enough to be doing what you are doing?" Being a baby in an adult world isn't going to be easy since there aren't that many who are willing to talk to someone like me as an equal - I am young, that automatically means I am less competent than someone older than me, right?!? Getting right out of college I will have much less experience than most other nurses, doctors, and other health professionals, yes, but everyone must start at the very beginning.  It will be a challenge to hone into my boldness and my confidence and throw away any anxiety or embarrassment that may come with being a young nurse, but this is a challenge much worth the outcome of becoming a nurse; God will carry me.
4. Confidence is key, and looking up stuff only helps. I learned from one of my very good nursing school friends that every time you have a change, take notes. So during shadowing, I have a pen and a piece of paper on my and when someone talks about something with which I am not familiar, I will write it down so I am able to look it up when I get home. The more knowledge you learn, the easier it is to be confident; and the more knowledge gained through clinical experience, the better it will stick.
5. Smile whenever possible, because smiles can mean  a l o t . When you smile, it opens up a whole other realm of attitudes - sincerity.  With a sincere smile, anyone can conquer the world. When a nurse communicates with a patient or a family, facial expressions do more talking than the talking itself, which is why I believe that a smile is worth so much.  When someone doesn't smile, especially someone of a higher position, such as a nurse, a nurse manager, a doctor, administration. . when they don't smile to me or try to act like they sincerely care, I receive a hostile vibe, one of a high ego and little compassion.  Humility and compassion are essential in the healthcare field whether that be a housekeeper or a MD. When I have a MD who is sincere and enjoys taking part in educating me, I feel honored to be in his/her presence and can give him/her the respect that he/she truly deserves.  When someone is respectful to me, a pipsqueak on the totem pole of healthcare professionals, I am truly thankful and can return the sincerity, which fills my heart with happiness. 
6. Stop and enjoy life a little. I am the type of person who is always go-go-go and any 'down time' irks me to no end. So, as you could have guessed, school breaks, although much needed, can irk me to the point to where I push myself to not have a break; meaning, I find ways to continue my '100-mile an hour' constant go-go-go-ness personality.  This past week, I was able to sit down and chill, forcing myself to be a lazy couch potato and enjoy it. Doing stuff just for the fun of it while spending time with dearly loved souls make those lazy moments worth it all.
7. Live in the moment. Moments are oh so precious; the one you are living right now will never come back to you. God himself wants us to live in the moment; if we are stuck in the past, we can relive our mistakes and our misfortunes over and over, in which our past rules over our present and out future; if we are stuck in the future, anxiety and worry blocks our hearts and minds from living in the now.  I read somewhere that God has given us time in which to live because if our lives were given to us in one single moment, it would be all too overwhelming.  It is amazing to see life unfold one corner at a time - it is amazing to see what God can do with broken pieces. Love like you have never been hurt. Live like today is your last day.  Work like money doesn't matter. Dance and sing like no one is watching. What really matters? What is the reason behind living, breathing, getting up in the morning and doing a day all over again? Find the true reason for the season and dedicate your life to the purpose of helping others find the reason for living. 

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Keep your week {and attitude} Merry and Bright! 
Christmas {and unhealthy food} is right around the corner, so make sure you stock up on gym time.
And btw -I totally made up the whole Premature Anxiety Syndrome. Would be so surprised if there actually was such a thing.

ANSWER: What is the antidote for heparin overdose? 
b. Protamine Sulfate (1%) is administered over a period of time to stop heparin-induced bleeding.
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P s a l m   9 5 : 1 - 3 
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.