
Sunday, December 13, 2015

The 12 Days of Nursemas

By the end of the semester, nursing school gave to me: 12 self-given pep talks, 11 gallons of coffee, 10 ten mental breakdowns, 9 extra pounds, 8 weekly clinical hours, 7{080) minutes of commuting, 6 total chill days, 5 naps a week, 4 days of hunting, 3 major projects, 2 months of Christmas music, and one big nursing family.

This semester is over.
Yes indeed.  I finished up my first full semester of nursing school with more passion for the healthcare field than I had when I entered the semester.  Nursing school makes me want to pull out my hair, no doubt, sometimes I feel like screaming, and sometimes I actually scream {but only by myself while I am in my car, by myself}; but I wouldn't trade my major for any other. Challenges upon challenges have been thrown, tossed, and chucked at me all semester, but it keeps things interesting, it makes the journey unique and enjoyable.
Finals week came and went and played with my gpa-related emotions.  Long hours of studying doesn't always grant you the level of successful you may wish - that is one of the biggest challenges of nursing school, to keep your head straight when you don't always meet your goals. So when you get discouraged, you need to give yourself a pep talk, have friends who can give you pep talks, or find a random video on facebook that gives you a very needed pep talk.

"Your degree has nothing to do with you, in fact, its all about Him and what he can do through you.. Doctors, nurses, PAs, what will you tell someone when they are dying?.. seek the Holy Spirit in your studies. . your degree is not for you, it is for those who are hurting.. you are training to love people better, you are training to serve people better."

*     *     *

You ever had that feeling where your stomach gets really tight and your whole nursing future flashes before your eyes as you click the "save and submit' button on blackboard during exam week? Fast forward about four days. . You ever had that feeling where you feel guilty for not having to be dedicated 24/7 to studying 82- and 105- chapter long books? How about that feeling where you get up and drive to see one of your most favorite people just to have 'a girls day,' only to worry about what fun thing is next on the list.  
After my last exam was successfully completed on Thursday afternoon, I celebrated with Thursday night spin class, a refreshing shower, hot chocolate and a Hallmark Christmas movie (during which I cried way too much). I went to bed and woke up to set out on a 1.5 hour trek to my cousin's house to spend a much-needed post-semester girls' party day. 

So thankful for these moments and these memories - these moments, these people are the reasons why I can continue to continue through my journey.  God has definitely made us community beings; just as He Himself is a community, we as humans must grab hold to those beings who vow to embark on the journey along our side, never to leave and always to help.  God blesses us with his presence directly and indirectly- and his indirect presence is seen through the unconditional love and guidance of those of whom I am surrounded.  My thanks may seem to become cliche, but know, it is from the bottom of my heart.

If I have learned anything this year, it is the fact that it is such an honor to be a nurse.  When I say the word 'nurse,' I mean those who deserve the title; the individuals who have earned the RN badge who exhibit true compassion, advocacy, and sensitivity.  It is an honor to be surrounded by nursing students who radiate such a potential in being an honorary nurse - my fellow students possess upright personality traits and portray those traits on the regular basis.  Being a 'nurse' begins during schooling; being a 'nurse' is more than just emitting nurse-like qualities while in the clinical setting.  Being a nurse is a constant mindset and attitude.
This is a sign of a true nurse: While my brain interprets my grades in such a way that tells me that I am noting special, that I am not worth much, my to-be-nurses friends make me feel otherwise

And on the first day of nursing school, I didn't realize how blessed I would become. . 

What is up next for me?
I am a long ways off from being done, my dear.  Over the 'break,' I won't have much of a break - the next month of my life will be saturated with shadowing opportunities and picking up shifts at work.  It feels too weird for me to not be in school - to not have to come home and do some type of studying. I have to stay busy. I mean, other than wrapping presents what would I do? . . answer: watch The Grinch 5 times qd. {Don't worry guys - I know 'qd' isn't a proper abbreviation.} 
RX for the Christmas holidays: 355 ml peppermint hot choc q4h for three weeks.

Christmas Countdown:
12 days till Christmas.