
Sunday, January 17, 2016


Ever have a stretch of days where you feel as if you have actually been living in one long day separated by 8 hour naps? That is me, that is the #FWOC {first week of classes}.
So, in addition to the {averaging} 3 cups of coffee a day, this week my classmates and I have completed 6 hours of lecture and 14 hours of clinical for our Maternal-Child class and 3 hours of lecture for our Pathophysiology class. That is what a 0900 to 1700 Monday thru Thursday week does to you - it makes you wonder what the day is, what the date is, and on a scale from 1 to 10, how crazy are you. But hey, I am so glad to be back with my nursing FAM; some of the sweetest, craziest, and best people you will ever meet.  

It feels so weird to be in my third semester of nursing school. Like woah! Sometimes I feel like I am not old enough to be given all this responsibility.  Sometimes I feel like people look at me and think I am still a teenager and doubt my abilities to deliver academically and clinically.  Sometimes I still wait for the feeling of me becoming an adult; in third grade, I thought the high school seniors were so old and so full of wisdom and perfection.  I am a junior in college and am still waiting for that wisdom and perfection to catch up with me. Sometimes I feel like the walls of odds are against me and I can't break through; but when the odds are against me is when I am most dedicated to proving assumptions wrong. Sometimes I feel pride welling up inside of me and have to silence it; humility can be hard, and is best practiced with silence. And when I think about graduating in 16 months, I shake my head, because it can't be true, but it is.

Going '100 miles an hour,' as my dad calls it; that has been my week.  I guess when I am not always doing something, I feel as if I have not been productive. This semester's beginning isn't stressing me out like last semester's did; but I need to pace myself, and not slack at the beginning just because the load seems easier.  School, gym, work, study, sleep: those are the words which define my life. Should they define my life? I don't mean to get all philosophical on you, but the words which should define my life are: purposeful, courageous, bold, strong, and focused on the Lord in all my actions, words, and thoughts.

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Health Nut Brownies
{vegetarian and gluten free}

Ingredients: 1/2 cup peanut butter// 1/4 cup honey// 1 tbsp vanilla// 2 ripe bananas mashed// 1/2 tsp baking soda// dash of salt// 1/2 cup cocoa powder// 1 scoop protein powder//

Directions: preheat oven to 350F// mix wet ingredients// fold in dry ingredients// bake  minutes until top is set, its okay if a little underdone for the fudgy effect//

Eat me with a glass of milk and don't feel guilty because I am healthy.
This is a nice end to a long day.  If you are a fan of banana nut bread, you will inhale this like its your dinner.

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When I am focusing on someone else's well being other than my own, I forget about myself, I forget about my bad attitude, I forget about my pride and insecurities, I forget about my worries, and I am filled with a sense of purpose; when I am being a nurse, that is when I feel closest to the person I want to be.
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Want to learn a little bit about Mother-Child nursing? Here is a video on Labor and Vaginal Birth.  This stuff is so crazy - God is crazy, so magnificent.
There is no way all this just happened.
How you can be a nurse and not see that we are fearfully and wonderfully made?
Psalms 193:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.