
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Begin Again

Taylor Swift fan? Pop quiz - Name the TS song:
". . .but on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again"

Nursing School fan? Pop quiz - Name the NS semester:
". . .but on a Monday in a classroom I watched it begin again"

Another four weeks have come and gone, and it feels as if this has been the longest but the shortest break ever. I have enjoyed these short {but long} four weeks off of school being able to 'veg out' as my dad calls it, which hasn't consisted of much 'vegging' at all.  Although I am already beginning to stress out, thanks to the {literally} 41 page long syllabus, I am excited to get back to my nursing FAM, make more memories and become more intimate with the knowledge for which my heart is passionate
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"You can call me old fashioned if you wanna
But I wanna take you out to dance
Little baby
I love you more today than I did yesterday
I will love you more tomorrow than I do today"
There is this girl who has a bright smile and a twinkle in her eye every time I see her.  Her heart is a loving one, in which she has the gift of making you feel like the most important person to her when you are in her presence. She is full of life and of beauty; her soul is magnificent and rests in the hand of the Lord. 
This girl, this beauty, has found the one her soul adores and is to be getting married in less than 55 days.  This girl has given me the honor of being one of her bridesmaids, for which I am very thankful.  This loving heart has taken on the challenges of getting married at a younger age: the seeming lack of time to complete a DIY wedding and the negative comments which combat her optimistic spirit. She has taken on the challenges head on and has shown herself to be true to herself and to her values; she has taken on the challenges head on and has shown herself to be strong and bold, a person who will take responsibility for her well thought out actions. This beautiful soul is an encouragement to me in my personal struggles and, through positive words, helps me believe in myself.  
This girl is getting married to a man full of love, compassion, and a desire to help others.  This girl and this man are getting married to continue in carrying out God's plan for each of their lives.
This girl, my beloved cousin, my elementary China-hole co-digger, my middle school pen pal, my coffee date, my dear best friend, is getting married and I have the honor of standing beside her on her big day.
You are beautiful, Mack, and I can't wait for all the memories the next few weeks and years have in store for both of us.  You are such an awesome soul and I love you so.
Love is a beautiful thing, and I love that I can share this life with you by my side.

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A girl's night out before the big semester 'start up' day was much needed.  Who knew sitting and talking for a good four hours with three of the most gorgeous souls could be so entertaining.  A nursing student friend bond is something like no other - I mean, I have known these girls for less than a year, but if you saw us together, you would think we have known each other for a lifetime. What I love most about our relationships is that we can all be true to our personalities without fear of embarrassment or belittlement. The weird and unique characteristics about each of my nursing FAM is what makes them them, and I love them because of who they are - each of them bring a different weirdness to the table, which without, our table would not be complete. 
There isn't anyone else with whom I'd rather go to a sports bar and drink water {since, you know, I have yet to hit the '21' mark}.
There isn't anyone else with whom I'd rather help make no-bake cookies while dancing in the kitchen.
There isn't anyone else with whom I'd rather journey through this crazy path called 'nursing school.'
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Every day at work is an adventure.  I am blessed to spend my hours with lovely souls like these two.  Loving your job isn't always easy' over the past weeks and months  have worked at this wonderful establishment, I have learned that 'loving your job' is something that must be put into action, it doesn't 'just happen.'  I love being able to make my co-workers laugh and get through the day with smiles on our faces.  I have met some of the most extraordinary people working at CFA and I wouldn't change the almost two years full of CFA-working memories for any other part-time job workings.  Love my CFA crew {and I prefer the old black shirts than our newer red shirts}.
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"Why did I decide to do nursing school?" I yelled out while reading over our 41 page syllabus.
Have I gone mad?
I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
Let the beautiful madness known as 'nursing school' begin once again.