
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Living on a Prayer

Another week has come and gone, meaning, one week closer to everything being back to 'normal'. . . whatever that means. 

How wonderful it is to know that these challenges that I must overcome are not for my greater good, but for the Kingdom's. It may take a while for m to see it; there may be pain and suffering for a while, but it is such a stress reliever to know that there will be joy, and that there is a purpose for my challenges. 
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This past week my sister returned home! Oh how I had missed my best friend; and now things are more or less 'back to normal' in the respects to having my sister back at home and partying it up geek-sisters style.
Nevertheless, I am so proud of my sister and her dedication and maturity in serving others through her Christian worldview. Her spirit is pure, her maturity is unmatched, her love is unwavering, her smile is incandescent, her passions are contagious, and her excitement to be a disciple is motivational and inspiring.  In her absence, she allowed the Spirit to overcome her; through her experiences she has become more aware of the needs of others and the abundance she can bring; through her experiences she has learned to ignore the discouragements and to focus on the passions of the Lord that drive her to be her sole motivation; through her experiences she understands her duty to reach out and dedicate herself to the growth of the Kingdom.  She has realized that evangelism is more than directly speaking {English} to someone and convincing them to live a certain way.  She has committed herself to building meaningful relationships and aiding others in the establishment of the most important relationship known to man.  She is an encouragement to me and an inspiration and motivation for my future; if you only knew her as well as I know her, maybe you would understand what a joy she is to be around, what kindness she freely shows, how forgiving and loving is her nature, and what wonderful things she will complete in her life because of her passions for the Lord.