
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Let's Walk Together

Deuteronomy 5:33 You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess.
Proverbs 4:12 When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and if you run, you will not stumble
2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight.
It seems as if the past twelve weeks have been full of me stumbling to get through life; to get through school, the lack of a social life, the heavy presence of stir crazy-ness, and feeling as if I was being deprived of life itself. I became discouraged at times, many times actually.  Life's horrible circumstances have a way of pulling you down, down below the waters, making seem as if you will drown for sure. These times when we think we will, for sure, fall under the tops of the waves in defeat, we have lost sight of the one who gives us life; for it is not the sight which aids our journey, but faith. Sight can lead us astray; a bad circumstance or life experience can lead us to destruction if we allow our sight to dictate our actions and thoughts; with faith, we are able to take hold of our circumstances and trust that God will strengthen us and mold us into a more ready subject for future challenges and experiences - to help us help others.

Walking is such a beautiful gift from God; walking in the light of his presence is something truly powerful. Having complete trust in His Character gifts you with an overwhelming sense of peace; this task is easier than you think, He and His peace are much closer than you think.  
It is crazy how living through a terrible circumstance can change your mindset, your thoughts, your outlook on life.  A beautiful disaster has taught me to love people more fully, to enjoy life more often, to dance whenever you get the chance, and to indulge in opportunities to change other people's lives.  Through one of life's catastrophes, a working mold has been created; this mold can either strengthen or crush - the final outcome, well, it is up to you. For when you believed to be walking on your own, those footsteps you observed were His, carrying you through.

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 UNCP Nursing Pinning Ceremony
Earlier in the semester, when life was still fairly 'normal,' I had the pleasure of being asked to help marshal the senior nursing student's pinning ceremony. It was beautiful to utter the words this will be us next year to my fellow nursing-fam classmates, considering a few weeks ago almost all my hopes in graduating 'on time' were smashed and crushed and broken to pieces.
Well, despite a healing ankle, a boot, and a pair of crutches {oh and a really really steep auditorium isle}, I was still able to marshal the pinning ceremony.  On top of this, the same day I was given the go ahead to put weight on my foot; after twelve weeks of healing, the Doc told me my bone looks wonderful.  It was exciting to see my doctor, who has been worried this whole time, to come in my examination room actually smiling and enthusiastic; he told me to get up and put some weight on my foot.  Totally taken aback, I got up and tried something I hadn't done in 12 weeks.  
Watch out, 'cause God is about to do some more amazing things and I am overwhelming grateful for the journey that is just beginning. 

Sister-Sister Date
Found her graduation dress and had some coffee all while practicing with my new found obsession: walking. So excited for this beauty to graduate and begin a new chapter in her life.  So thankful for all our memories and the ones to come; I love that I can call Alexandra my sister.

Daddy-Daughter Date
Sorry boys, but daddy's know how to do dates.
Getting up early is normally a challenging task, but I woke up with the faint memory of my doctor granting me permission to being weight bearing, almost thinking it was just a dream. 
We left the house before 7 AM with the words 'ready or not, here I come, I like your face do you like my song?' blaring on the truck's stereo.
Before beach time, we stopped at Britt's Donuts; I haven't had a donut since maybe before my senior year in high school. . 
Trucking across Fort Fisher's beach; a little bit of sun, kite flying and not quite getting the truck stuck in the sand.
Then on to Southport via Ferry giving me nostalgia of little Lucy.
Lunch on the doc at Fishy Fishy required some sweaters because of the cool breeze.  I ate a nice salad full of calcium and vitamin K.
Port City Java was a must, and I just copy-catted my sister, us both getting a caramel cappuccino. 
Then a drive to go see our Wilmy family to finish off the day.

Now let the summer begin; thankful for the opportunities for me to have an extremely busy summer.  Research and Pediatrics filled days will carry me to my Fall semester.
Let's Go.