
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mountain-ing w Rodeo Ron & Stagnant Stan

Saying good-bye to your cares, your worries, the insane NC-heat, and potentially your electricity. . . that's what happens when you vacate to the mountains.
So put on your fins & goggles, tie your hair in a steady knot that can take tubbing through tidal waves, don't forget to grab the sunblock and the s'mores ingredients, jump on the boat and let the days and your troubles pass you by.
D o n ' t   f o r g e t    t o    d  a n c e   w h i l e    y o u    c a n !

This week started and ended with a lack of wi-fi connection, but that didn't stop our wilderness-seeking souls.  We trekked through two different states to reach Destination Vacay; bought {and ate} way too much food; had our fair share of sugar highs with the help of nightly ice cream and s'mores dates; got too much rain and just enough of sun; watched a few man-made & God-made firework shows; wore independence-day socks with my fancy-smancy sandals like a true hipster; and lived the week away in our bathing suits.  

Almost all of my free time was spent reading textbooks and staring at my planner, but doing practically anything {to include studying, which I just so happen to enjoy} is more interesting when it is done at the lake. Maybe I should be that typical college student and Lazy Luther my vacay week away - but sorry, even Stagnant Stan can't take the stagnicity for too long.  Now its back to being Buizzy Elizzy, the Elizzy who drinks too much coffee & is actually good at eating healthy; who studies too much, goes to bed too late & wakes up too early; who listens to her music too loud in the car & takes too many selfies; who is too determined to pay attention to can't-speech & looks to the positives of the negatives to get through the moment.

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So, the firework show we watched this past week started out kinda sucky.  The cloudy day turned into a cloudy night, and at the beginning of the firework show, the wind was not in our favor.  The beauty of the fireworks were masked by the clouds and smoke and the explosions looked more like bombs going off.  Being patient gave us the win and not ten minutes into the show, the wind turned in our favor to give us the perfect view of the fireworks. It wasn't as grand as I remembered it, maybe because of the clouds and the lack of reflection from the water; however, I realized that it isn't really the extravagance of the fireworks that make it 'grand,' it's the people you are with and the vast number of other boats who join you in taking part in a celebration of patriotism.  The cheers at the end of the show, cheers from thousands of boats stretching over a few miles of lake, that give you the chills; its the fact that those thousands of cheers you hear are coming from a body of people who are celebrating the same occasion.  In a time where patriotism seems to be dying, it was beautiful to witness a celebration of such a blessed country.

"I survived because the fire inside of me burned brighter than the fire around me."
As I jump back into the swing of nursing school, 'tis bon voyage, boring broken-ankle life.  I am slightly more excited and a tad less nervous and frightened for getting back to nursing school compared jumping off a fifteen foot party-deck.  Let the summer fun begin.
So, so long to the care-free filled days and hello to the more challenging part of summer - the part that will lead straight into my last year of school. A quest it shall be - an exploration - a journey - and exciting year is just around the corner. 
So let it begin.
xoxo, {not-so-stangant} Stagnant Stan