
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Bon Voyage, Boring Lyfe

"I'm thankful for my struggle, cause without it, I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength."
It has been a week full of experiences: grabbing a tan and catching up with an old friend in Charlotte, trekking across a marshy lake in a canoe, and sipping on coffee with my favorite coffee date {sissy-boo-boo-bear} in one of our favorite cozy, pine-tree-filled towns.  I feel like my life has never been busier, but that is probably just because, for the majority of this 2016 year, my busiest days involved taking a trip to Chapel Hill to visit a special friend, my orthopedic physician who put a few pieces of metal in my right foot.
Remmie and I decided to take our first road trip together to visit a friend of mine whom I have not seen in a long while.  Rem and I drove across the state to a suburb of Charlotte where I spent the weekend catching up on lost time. We drank coffee, had long conversations, took a trip to the lake, got a couple splinters, and, of course, drank more coffee.

The #countdowntoSML was initiated during my time at the lake since everything from the dock to the water to the jet skis and boats reminded me of our beloved SML get-a-way.
The excitement did not and has not ceased.  A portion of this week was spent journeying via canoe across the lake behind my grandmother’s house.  Because the lake is much lower than normal, we had the privilege of having the lake all to ourselves. We got a workout, got some sun, and had tons of fun having sister-time. 
Coffee out, computer out.
Coffee shops are wonderful for inspirational blog writing.  Well, blogging was the last thing on my mind, and frankly, it is the last thing I want to be doing now {well, not entirely}.  While we were sipping on our sugar-free-salted-caramel and sugar-free-vanilla cappuccinos {#teamfoam}, I flipped my computer on and went straight to check my email – which was the first thing on my mind. Why? Well, why not?!
 In about a week, I will be beginning a clinical nursing course at Fayetteville State University; this course will be aiding me in my venture to being ‘back on track.’ That was my reasoning behind jumping onto my email -- and delightfully, information for my course had arrived and I began my proactive journey in tackling Pediatrics. And that is why blogging is something I am having a hard time doing right now; my mind is currently floating to the thoughts of my seven-chapters-a-week summer session and my Pediatrics ATI for which I should begin studying.
 One thing I love about nursing school is their beautiful organization as evidence by their premade, preset calendar of  events; each nursing course I have taken part in, no matter the university, has fabricated some sort of calendar along with their syllabus.  Sometimes, looking at the syllabus and course calendar can spark those feelings of anxiety deep in my chest; but the anxiety would be more intense if it were not for the course organizers.
 So because there is nothing else of which I can think to write about, let me go in peace to my 49-chapter, 1500-plus-page maternal-child textbook.  After all, textbooks are my favorite books to read!