
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Powerlessness RT this week's occurrences

S a t u r d a y - When I got up this morning, it was pretty late, like 10:30 late.  For the record, I haven't woken up that late since I broke my ankle; maybe that statement doesn't make me look any better, but seriously, I cannot stand waking up that late.  My day is dead, murdered, gone, SOL.
Well, after trudging out of bed and feeling like I just got hit by a truck due to my over-sleeping, my next thought is this: this week has been the most insane since I broke my ankle.
Considering I broke my ankle not that long ago, maybe you may not see that as a big deal, but man, it only emphasized my I-just-got-hit-by-a-truck feeling and the pounding of the headache in my head. 
Nevertheless, this week has been a mess. So, I decided to go ahead and 'nursing diagnosis' myself, and probably a few of my classmates feel this way as well:
Powerlessness RT this week's occurrences
"The lived experience of lack of control over a situation, including a perception that one's own actions do not significantly affect an outcome."
This week has been long, even though Monday was a holiday and there was no school; like serious LOL at the irony there.
This week has been so long, I feel like I haven't blogged in, like, a month.
S u n d a y  night was spent in the best way possible; a sister date night decently fan-girling over a movie and its actors (& soundtrack).
M o n d a y  was spent doing the usual: studying and drinking coffee.
T u e s d a y  is when the week got interesting. My morning was early due to the early clinical shift and an hour commute.  There was a slight mix-up in scheduling and we were sent home with the day to ourselves and a makeup clinical right around the corner.  The sad thing is, I had no idea what to do with myself on this 'free-for-all' day.  Yeah, I could study, which I tried to do, but I was, for the most part, not behind on anything and just could not focus. So I took a nap and took a picture with Coco (pictured below).
T h u r s d a y  and  F r i d a y  were beautiful back-to-back clinical days which contained lots of coffee and too many naps.  I can safely say that I am overdosing on my fair share of caffeine, so may my cut-back-on-coffee-rehabilitation begin. Sorry, adrenal glad, but we gotta kick you back into power-filled action.
While I reflect on that, I am going to grab a cup of {home-brewed} coffee. LOL JK
I sometimes look at other people and see how beautiful they are or how successful they are or how much money they have or how much more attractive their body is than mine; always comparing myself to them. I always find myself never able to measure up; what's the point of being you if you isn't good enough?

Then I think back to February, a month that challenged me beyond the thinkable; a month filled with many events that could have turned out otherwise. 
Maybe it was their intense love for not only me but for the Father through constant prayers. Maybe it was luck. 

But, what if it was something more than pure luck? 
What if God blessed me with a life he could have taken away because my life means something. "You could have died." So because I didn't, that must mean that My life means something to God, something to the everlasting Kingdom, enough to where if it was taken away, his plan would not be fulfilled. 
Well, no. 

Through this, I am able to look at my life and see how truly important it is; my life isn't just all of a sudden important because I survived a crash in which I could have very well as not survived. 
No, my life is important because it has always been, no matter how imperfect I believe myself to be when compared to others'.  

Your life is important, it always has been.