
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Victory over Challenges

With approximately five weeks to go in my second to last semester - four weeks, not including finals week - I begin to wonder where the time has gone.
How is it that these past three years have gotten away from me so quickly?
I feel like just yesterday I walked across a small little stage and turned my golden tassel from right to left -- I feel like just yesterday I took my first steps on a college campus, trying to navigate the weird world of being 'the new kid' -- I feel like just yesterday the clock hit midnight and the 2016-year, a year filled with mighty challenges, began. 
It has been 18 months since I began my first steps as a nursing student, and in five months, I will be completing my journey as an undergraduate nursing student.
It's funny how time passes by and leaves you with a culmination of resolved messes and learned lessons making you who you are.
Have you ever worked insanely hard for something? 
How about this - have you ever worked insanely hard for something and then out of no where, it gets taken away from you?
You have to start completely over.
It's like, right after finishing a paper, your computer dies and you never backed it up.
It must have been freshman or sophomore year. 
I was working out in the university gym and I watched this one girl do this one-legged squat thing. 
That doesn't look too hard.
And then I tried it out.
It was a lot harder than it looks, and to some people, it apparently looks wicked hard. 
Doing pistol squats can be quite challenging when you break your ankle and you aren't allowed to put any weight on your right lower extremity. 
And after over 12 weeks of no weight bearing activities, muscles disappear and the brain forgets what 'normal' is.
It has been exactly six months since I was given the go-ahead to start putting weight on my right leg.
Exactly six months after I took my first step of the rehabilitation process, I am able to pistol squat on my right leg with no assistance.
What's the trick?
Well, the dang pistol squat is still giving me some challenges.  I still don't have my full range of motion {even though it is getting so much better - even my orthopedic surgeon is impressed} and my calf may never be as buff as it once was.
So, I have built back up enough of muscle strength and balance control to do the cool-looking-one-legged squat; however, even though my PT said my dorsal flexion {pulling your foot back towards your shin} was 100%, that range of motion isn't all there. The trick - snag one of the barbell weights, preferably a 5 or 2.5 pound-er, and stick it under my heel. 
It made up for my slight lack of dorsal flexion and I was able to, finally, get my pistol squat back.
And the tricks aren't over - my come back isn't over yet, I've just begun.  
Moral of the story? Never let your challenges get the best of you.  Make crazy goals and work to meet these goals.  Hard work, patience and determination are a killer combination.
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This week was an interesting one, filled with the finishing of months-long research study write-ups and being super-sister, saving the day one locked car at a time. 
I had too much fun guzzling down the cups on cups of coffee {is Starbucks sugary-drinks even considered coffee?} while scrambling to finish a research study write-up way ahead of schedule.  I even had time to make an extremely stressful situation for my sister a little fun {not sure if she would call it 'fun'}!
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 16:25

To save your life is actually to lose it and to surrender to Him, that's when you gain all the strength and power in the world.
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