
Sunday, December 4, 2016

God Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

God knows you better than you know yourself.
But what does that even mean? How can someone else- some other being know me better than I know my own self?
Lord, you have searched me and known me!
{Psalms 139:1}

In {Luke 19} readers are introduced into this government dude named Zacchaeus.  I don't know about you, but I am not a huge fan of politicians - things really haven't changed all that much, because back then politicians weren't all that popular, if you get my drift. Well this Zacchaeus dude climbed up into a tree because he wanted to see Jesus, and Jesus saw him and called out to him and told him that he was going to come over to hang out.  But wait, this guy is a politician, pretty much hated by the populous because government officials are known to over charge taxes (aka. "stealing").  Yet, Jesus saw through his politician-ness and called out to him.

This past week, I presented a research project that has been in the works since April of this year.  The amount of time it has taken may be wow-in you, but that is not what personally makes this past week's presentation a big deal.  Rather, the reasoning behind the project and the passion which has driven this project is, to me, the biggest wow-factor. 
When I began designing this research project, I was unable to walk - I had this eternal metal thing (to health professionals it is known as an "eternal fixator") attached to my lower leg bone and screwed through a few of my foot bones.  In addition, the inspiration behind the subject of this research project came about from the early months of this year.  Ironically, if it weren't for the challenges the first few months of 2016 brought, I may have not even undergone this project - but that is another story. 
Wait, what does this have to do with God knowing me better than I know myself?
This sentence was spoken in church today, and it it resonated with my soul: "God knows you better then you know yourself."  
Through my challenges of the past year, He has revealed to me of what I am capable {when I allow him to take control}. I never knew the power of the determination and passion within me until challenges forced me to hold onto the only One who could fix my situation.  
Maybe I have become a more determined person or a more passionate person or a more loving person over the past few months because I have allowed these challenges to change me for the better. . . or maybe all those things were there all along, and just like a diamond must be refined, God refined me, and now, the true sparkle has begun to show through. 

 Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.
Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are continually before me.
{Isaiah 49: 15-16}

Thankful for the One who never left my side.  All of my accomplishments are truly all because of his love and mercy and guiding hand which has blessed me with what determination and passion I have to keep on going. 
Thankful that God heals broken bones, that sorrow only last for a night and there is joy in the morning.