
Sunday, January 22, 2017

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Worry

Two weeks down, fourteen more to go in my last undergraduate nursing semester ever.  How exciting, right? 
Well, in addition to the exciting part, it can, and is, a little nerve wrecking. 
Graduation does not mean the hard part is over; rather, after graduation, the hard part has just begun. 
For me it may be a little different than my classmates. Some of them are married and have been living separate from their parents for while; others are parents; while others are parents of parents.  My point - for others, this change that graduation brings may not actually be that big of a deal, whereas for me, this is not only the close of one chapter, but the close of an entire unit of chapters and an opening into a new and fresh section.

As I continue to divulge into the planning of my short and long term future, it becomes easier and easier to worry; I mean, what is there not to worry about. 
We can worry about taking the NCLEX; about to which jobs to apply; about if we are good enough to get the job or if the job we get will be valuable to our future ambitions; where to live if we have to move closer to where our job resides; how much money will we make; how to properly save money without being a fun-sucker {like I currently am} . . . 
I could continue this list on - but what does worrying fix? Who does it help?

I've come up with five reasons why you should stop worrying and start enjoying your life, all challenges and hardships included. Yes, 'not worrying' is easier said than done, however, by keeping these five things in mind, you can shift your focus from surviving through the worry to thriving in the worry.

1. it's out of your control
 We as human beings can worry about anything and everything, some of which are in our complete control; however, most of the time the things we worry about are not in our control at all. 
Why do we worry about things that are out of our control? For instance, I am applying for jobs - while the applying part is under my complete authority, the 'getting the job' part is not in my control.  I know personally I worry about things that are not in my control because I am a control-freak; I want to be in control of every aspect of my life and if it is not exactly how I want, then I spend the majority of my time thinking about how much better it would be if I was in another position.  
Giving the control over to someone else is really hard for me.
A little less than a year ago, I underwent three surgeries in about a two month span.  The first of these surgeries was the hardest for me, anxiety-wise.  Through my nursing clinical and shadow student experience, I had seen my fair share of surgeries and what happens in reference to anesthesia.  When you are given general anesthesia, you are out - you are unconscious, amnesic and, for a short period of time, paralyzed.  During the surgical procedure, not only am I giving control over my situation to these almost-complete-strangers, if something at all goes even slighty awry, there is nothing I could do to fix it.  I was also concerned in reference to the many tubes medical professionals can stick up or down pretty much any opening in the body; I did't want a foley inserted and I was surely concerned about the intraoperative intubation, not to mention the nagging pain that internal and/or external fixation of an anle bring right after the surgical procedure. 
And this was me giving control over to people during a short period of time.  And as a Christian, we are to give control over our entire life to God; to surrender to him is to become strong.   Giving over the reigns to God is a rewarding action, however it is not at all easy.
As humans, we hold on to every worry we could possibly worry about, because it makes us feel safe and comfortable.
But does it really?  It is really comfortable to live in a state of worry, constantly, especially over the things that we are unable to control?

2. it brings you down
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. 
{Proverbs 12:25}
When I was a kid, I remember Sundays being the day of the week which provoked the most anxiety; and as the Sunday day continued on, I became more and more anxious.  This was because the next day, Monday, was the beginning of a new school week. 
Anxiety ruins a moment and every moment that surrounds that anxiety-stricken moment. Worry is a robber. “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” Worry builds on top of each other and can quickly turn from a stream to a river to an ocean.  Worst of all, worry can be contagious. 
If #1 is true, and there is nothing you can do about this certain particular worry, then how could this worrying process be of any benefit to you? It is not. If anything, this worry is doing nothing but stealing away positive emotions and replacing them with self-defeating thoughts.
Maybe your worries aren't this extreme; but think about it, whenever you were at your most happy or excited, what were you actively worrying about? nothing.

3. God said not to
God has said and commanded many things of us humans, but none of these commandments were made unto us because He wants to be a fun-sucker.  Rather, He tells us to surrender our wills and our worries unto Him because He wants us to enjoy our life; He wants us to live with a peace inside of us that drives us to take every situation one step at a time. 
Yes, there are certain situations where you just can't help but worry; some worry may even turn into agony.
In my experience, it is extremely easy to tell someone, "put it in God's hands and everything will be okay."  I reluctantly gave a portion of my problems to God, yet, when I started allowing his hands to touch my problem, that is when he started moving mountains and opening up opportunities for me.
God said not to worry because he wants to worry for you instead and because he wants you to enjoy your life to the fullest, even through the challenges and hardships.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
{Matthew 6:25-34}

4. you should be doing something else
Instead of worrying about if you will get the job, go write a killer cover letter.  Instead of worrying about how badly you may do on that test, go study.
There comes a point where you just cannot worry any more about those things that are in your control or even slightly in your control, because when you have done your best, you can't upset and start the worrying process all over again.  When you have done all you can do, trust in God that he will open up the opportunities.
In every failure there is some type of success.
Instead of worrying about whatever you are worrying about, go do something.
What are you worrying about - and what should you be doing instead?

5. you got a life to enjoy
A negative mindset never has made life more enjoyable; worrying about situations has never made them easier.  With negativity and worry may you trudge into your future with a mindset of survival.  With confidence, positivity, and humility, may you dance into the future of thriving possibilities.

There is always going to be worry out there, and you will never fully be able to escape it all; but if you can find peace in the midst of the storm, if you can enjoy the challenges of those worries as they are handed to you, life may become just that much easier.  And instead of 'just surviving,' you can begin thriving.