
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Broken But ReMade

A year ago, I wrote a blog post which freed me from my past.  Entitled A Letter to my Ex, I wrote an empowering message for not only myself but for those who have been through similar situations to mine.
I ended the letter with this:
thanks for teaching me that my greatest adventure is not you, but that my greatest adventure is the wild ride God is laying before me - my future in serving Him. 
Who could have guessed that not eight hours after this post was published, my "greatest adventure" and wildest ride began.

February 14, 2016 
7:10 PM - Because I had my clinical rotation at a hospital close to my grandmother's house, I would leave on Sundays to spend the night at their house to spend some quality time with them as well as not have to get up as early to leave my house for my rotations. 
We had just had a family celebration of Valentine's Day, hosted by one of my favorite Valentines, my sister.  We ate and laughed and spent time with each other. If tonight had been my last night alive, it couldn't have been spent in any better way than this.7:20 PM - It was a Sunday night and I had forgotten that the gas station I go to closes before seven.  Nevertheless, I continued my journey to my grandmother's house, oblivious to what the next few moments, hours, weeks, and months would entail.
7:30 - This cannot be happening.  This is not real life.  I must be dreaming or in Hell.
In this moment, my life stopped and I felt as if it would never begin again.
I was thinking about writing out the detailed experience of the days, weeks, and months to follow, for instance that early March 1, 2016 Monday, the morning I got this metal contraption drilled through my foot and lower leg bones, or that May 4, 2016 Thursday morning where my orthopedic surgeon looked at my Xrays of my healed brokenness and reached out his hands and told me to stand on my foot.  But even if I told you of all the details of my past year, you may still not be able to understand the Strength and Power it took not only myself but also my family to overcome such a troubling and challenging time in our lives. 
This small sentence I wrote and later published on February 14, 2016 was the anthem of the rest of that year.  This past year's adventure which began later in the evening a year ago from Valentine's day was nothing less than "wild," but through it all, I am now able to tell of an inspiring story of how this wild ride has changed me and enabled me to be more ready for the next sequence of wide rides God's got for me.

In the midst of my brokenness, I was blessed with hope.  At first, I wasn't supposed to be able to graduate this May due to this moment which seemed to define me - due to my shattered ankle. . .
. . . Now I stand, able to physically do things that I couldn't before my ankle was broken, and able to graduate on time.  Thankful for the values of determination and dedication that have been instilled within me for such a long time along with the blessings God granted me - blessings that I myself could not have better planned out.
If I have learned anything, it is to pursue that which seems unpursue-able, and trust that God will bless the process.

And here's to my valentines, the ones who loved me through my past year's challenges and helped me gain the Strength in myself that I never thought could exist.
you fav broken-but-healed nurse