
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Cruising through the Last Semester

Life is starting to come together.
Not 'come together' the whole 'I have my whole life and everything planned out' together, but together in such a way that is encouraging; 'coming together' in such a way where I am excited each morning to wake up and see what lies beyond me. 'Coming together' in such a way where I can see little details of my life overlapping; where I am starting to see all the possibilities which lie ahead of me.
Life has been the same for too long - get up and go to school to learn and get ready for the future.  The future has always seemed so distant, as if I am still an elementary student looking up to the high school seniors thinking they have everything figured out as if they are about to graduate from med school and all be doctors. It's funny to think that, when you are younger, all these older people have everything figured out, but when you get there yourself you realize that 'having it all together' is much different than what you had originally thought it was.
Exams are passing left and right and this last semester is speeding.  
Sometimes it feels as if I set the cruise control on too high and forgot to enjoy life within the business of nursing school.
One of my eight week clinical courses will be complete within the next two weeks and I will be left to focus on that of my adult health clinical course and capstone, as I get ready for my preceptorship in April.  The realities of becoming a nurse are headed at me face-on a lot faster than sometimes with what I feel comfortable.  However, with each passing clinical minute, hour, and day, I know that is career field is the one for me.
Sometimes I feel as if my enthusiasm for the nursing field is unwarranted; there are those who make me feel guilty about my excitement and passion to become a nurse.  Sometimes it seems as if others are questioning my knowledge towards the nursing field, as if truly knowing about the challenges about being a nurse would scare me and cause my heart to grow hardened.  Is the right reaction to working in a challenging field the reluctance to go into such?
Falling in love with a challenging career is such a beautiful thing.
Always harbor the excitement and passion you have for this career.  It will only make your life more enjoyable as well as the life of your patients and coworkers.  Of course, you will find adversaries who criticize your attitude, but you mustn't ever let it change the way you life out your life.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson