
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring Break Bucket List

A little over a month ago, a wave of needed-spontaneity rushed over me.
Although it hasn't been entirely the most challenging semester, it has been quite daunting in many aspects.
It was that night about a month ago where I bought a plane ticket and made plans to visit one of my favorite souls on the planet.
Spring break always has seemed to early to accurately consider it spring break; temperatures in the south ranging anywhere from -3 degrees Celsius to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Despite the temperature(s) that were thrown at this year's spring break, this year's spring break bucket list was full of restful activities and wanderlust operations. Sunburns were followed by snow sledding activities and exam-studying was followed up with exploring a new state!
The first section of my spring break bucket list was that of the beach!  I mean, what is a spring break without at least looking at a picture of the beach?  Of course, what happens on spring break stays on spring break, and by that I mean all the cookies and ice cream consumed within that week time period.
Well, I guess technically what happens on spring break doesn't stay on spring break; it actually stays on you until you, you know, go back to the gym. . . but I won't bore your ears with that depressing news.
The second part of my spring break bucket list relates back to that of my wave of much needed-spontaneity.  It seems as if only yesterday I purchased a ticket to fly from Raleigh to Philadelphia and spend a long weekend with one of my favorite souls, my best friend.  
So, on Thursday, I boarded a plane and not 50 minutes later, I had made my way from NC all the way to PA
and time only flew by. . .
Spontaneity was thrown into full swing as soon as our best-friend-reunited-hug was concluded.  We hopped in the car and set off for some Downtown-Philadelphia-Starbucks-coffee. You know you have found the best friend of a lifetime when she brings you to Starbucks even though coffee ain't really her cup of tea
This was my first time really seeing the city of Philly; and my first time really seeing a true metropolitan city.  How beautifully full of life and chaos is a city like this!
After a little wanderlust city exploration, Hannah treated me to my first real Philly Cheese-steak, and if you know us, you know we just had to get the cheese fries as well.  And as we walked back to the car and on to our next adventurous destination, let us not forget the infamous 'Harry,' who so desperately needed a prom date. . .
The next few days consisted of a real northern snow {not any of this wimpy southern snow from back home}, sledding, diner breakfasts, road trips, new adventures, coffee, arcades, antique shops, pancakes and Greek yogurt, way too many cookies, late night Netflix viewings of FRIENDS, and tons and tons of pictures. 
If only the time change could have waited one more day so we could have spent just one more hour of best friend adventures in this northern state of Pennsylvania that I have come to love.
So thankful for the blessings God has given me - wonderful family who has helped me get where I am and who generously donates their time to bring me to and from the airport; a sister who makes saying even the shortest goodbyes hard; safe travels and breathtaking views from 36,000 feet above the surface of the earth; a beautiful soul as a best friend in which words cannot describe how grateful I am for her companionship despite our 450 mile distance.
Moments like looking out an airplane window and reflecting on the family and friendship blessings which have been bestowed upon me remind me just how wonderful and glorious our Lord is.  We are so small compared to the earth, compared to the masses of people who exists; yet He chooses to love us and show us His love through the people he has placed in our life.

And now that my spring break bucket list has been completed, its on to my next bucket list . . . 


