
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Bibia Be Ye Ye

Graduation week is such a beautiful thing; it marks the end of a successful closing of one chapter and a beautiful beginning of another. 
It can be full of tears - both the happy and the sad. Happy because wow you have made it and sad because you are parting from those fellow students who have walked the same journey with you, the ones that without you may have not stayed sane this week, much less the past two years.
This week started out and was mixed with disaster and the successful attainment of goals.  Tuesday I completed my last 12-hour shift as a student nurse and when I came home, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my undergraduate research had officially been published!
Where does the disaster come into play, you may ask? Well, now looking back at the week in completion, the chaos and disasters of the week truly do not match the excitement and joy I have been able to experience through the completion of my undergraduate college career.
As you may know, my dream since I could hold a pencil was so become a published author.  Writing fiction is my passion, but undergraduate nursing research has been such an enjoyment and accomplishment to the point that I don't think you are done seeing me in the research world of nursing publications.  
But who knows - I guess we will just have to wait and see!
Check out my first publication ever

B i b i a   B e   Y e   Y e
E v e r y t h i n g   i s   g o i n g   t o   b e   a l r i g h t
It is true that the purest of joys comes after the hardest of challenges; it is in the moments of reflection I have been able to fully internalize my accomplishments over the past four years.  My heart becomes overwhelmed with intense gratitude and humility when I compare the goals I entered undergraduate studies to the blessings and opportunities I was given and the accomplishments I have been able to achieve because of a strong and determined will and a little bit of faith.

 On Thursday night, I was bestowed the honor of receiving the Nursing Excellence Award.  In this moment, my many personal victories and academic accomplishments proved to be esteemed.  Not once did I push through a challenge or accept an opportunity because I wanted to gain recognition or praise - I pushed through a broken ankle because I wanted to graduate on time; I underwent my senior research project because I wanted to prove to myself that I could finish what I started; I embraced nursing-student leadership because I wanted to help get things done and contribute to true activism within our program.  Through these experiences and challenges, I gained a new attitude and mindset which has contributed to the excitement, joy, and passion I feel in my heart in relation to my accomplishments, my future, and life in general.
Come graduation day, my mind had still not caught up with my circumstances, and even now it is hard for me to think of myself as a college graduate; like I am a BSN like what?! 
During the course of Saturday morning, I said the words "We are graduating" to my ceremony-sitting buddy at least 12 times [yes, we counted], but no matter how many times I said it, I still couldn't believe it. 
So, I am a BSN graduate now - currently in the denial phase of graduation where you are beyond thankful to have been given the opportunities capitalized upon and amazed to be finished with such a rigorous course load; but upon reflection of pictures and memories, I become nostalgic and my heart is filled with so many different emotions. 

Nursing school is where a bunch of strangers become your closest friends, you favorite lifeline, and your most loyal drinking partners. Two years ago, these crazies were complete strangers with who I just so happened to cross paths; now I am filled with such love for each of these people whom of which we must now depart our separate ways and go change the world.
So here's to each of you who have made an impact on my undergraduate studies journey.  Without each of you, I would not be the person I am today.  All I am is because of the circumstances God has given me and the people of whom which God has allowed my path to cross. 
Always remember and never forget that you make an impact on everyone with whom you come into contact; you are forever changing people's lives even if it is just for a short moment.  
Make your moments significant, make your presence full of life.  
Surprise people. 
Enjoy life, because if you aren't enjoying it, then life just sucks.

Here's to a new chapter of life.
Oh, and the NCLEX.
Stay tuned - my nursing school journey isn't over just yet.