
Sunday, April 30, 2017

B u t G o d

It didn't hit me until I was on my way out the door for church that today is Sunday, also known as the day that I post my weekly blog, as I have been doing for well close to two years.
So here I am, reclining and reflecting, resting the Kaplan NCLEX study book for just a few short minutes.
This week marked the beginning of single digit countdown until pinning and graduation.  It is crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, I set off to begin the last semester of nursing school - and how fast have those weeks passed me by!
In addition to last minute party planning, this week included an acute cold which had me down for the count on Thursday and some of Friday.  However, I was able to attend a very important Luncheon Friday afternoon, one which two years ago I would have said you were lying if you told me I would be in its attendance. 
Two years ago, I finished up all my course requirements for UNCP's honors college requirements, that is of course in exception of the senior project.  Because nursing coursework, if taken in its designated two year time block, is to be taken solely with no other courses, I knew that I needed to get all my honors college general education requirements out of the way before nursing school began. However, even then, I doubted I would be able to successfully complete the remainder of the honors college course work: the senior project.  I knew that nursing school would be a lot, and I was unsure if I would be able to successfully complete my senior project on top of all the other senior nursing requirements.  However, I went ahead and completed all my general education requirements for the honors college to allow myself the opportunity to complete what I started. 
Opportunities arose, and not only have I been able to successfully complete the honors college requirements on top of nursing school, but I have also submitted my senior project into an undergraduate journal which has now granted me the opportunity to publish my first manuscript, and if you know anything about me, you know it is my dream to become a published author - who knew it would be before I graduated from undergraduate studies with a topic of nursing research!  Additionally, I am the second student in UNCP history to graduate with an undergraduate bachelor's of science degree in nursing with a successful completion of the honors college curriculum. And to think that two years ago, I doubted I would be walking across the stage with a honors college medallion around my neck.
It's crazy how life can take you for a ride and the way you thought things would turn out actually is nothing like the way it actually turns out. 
B u t  G o d
When I reflect on the turning point of my college career, I can point to a specific moment in time: February 14, 2016 at 7:30PM.  If it weren't for the challenges I had to overcome during my 2016 year, I can honestly say that I am 99.9% sure I would not be graduating with the honors college and I could not be able to enthusiastically tell people about my upcoming publication gig!
I do not write this to boast or lurk for congratulations, for, the accomplishments themselves are sufficient.  Truly, there is no room for pride in a heart that becomes overwhelmed with humility and gratitude when accomplishments from granted opportunities are reflected.
These words serve as a reminder for me and an encouragement for you - no matter how young or old you are, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are in life . . . 
. . . always prepare your future self to be more accomplished than your present self.  Don't miss an opportunity because you believe you aren't good enough.  Don't leave something unfinished because you believe yourself incapable of completing the bigger picture.  If I would have skipped the last two or three honors college general education courses I needed, I would be sitting here so mad at myself. Don't live life with regrets, so don't make choices that will cause you to live that way - capitalize on as many opportunities as you can. Plan for the future, make your future self proud!
. . . make most of your opportunities, knowing that there is more to gain than there is to lose. I got an email back in February or March of this year in reference to the undergraduate journal with which I am currently collaborating for publication of my manuscript.  It was a general announcement of their undergraduate journal and that submissions of senior project or undergraduate research are welcome.  Doubting anything would come of it, I went for it, knowing that there was nothing to lose but to much to gain. And oh how the gains make the opportunities taken seem so beautiful.
. . . stay humble in perseverance, and never led a prideful spirit overrun your soul.  Just in general, living life in respect for others and with an overall mindset of humility and gratitude makes life so much more enjoyable than the attitude of pride and the mindset of competition.  In the end, the only person you are in competition with is yourself - make it your goal to be the best version of yourself you can be.