
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Coffee and Granola

Coffee: I drink it not because I am addicted to caffeine, but because it tastes wonderful, is relatively healthy (at just a few calories a cup--that is if you make it at home and don't add unneeded sugar), and it fulfills my late-night sweet cravings.
Granola: Crunchiness is my favorite texture of food.  However, all these store brands are filled with sugar; even the ingredient 'evaporated cane sugar' is something I try to stay away from. So what do you do when you go to The Fresh Market with your family, you see granola everywhere, and you realize you want some?
Sunday, we went to visit my grandparents.  On our way home, we went to The Fresh Market to use a coupon which expired that day.  
"I haven't spent this long in a grocery store since before you were born!" My dad complained about the length of time we spent in the store.  But hey! Grocery stores are my favorite place to take it easy and look at all the foods; its a food sanctuary, and its calming.  
They had some coffee on sale, and we walked out of the store with three different flavored coffees: Alexandra's pre-packed Caramel Macchiato, her choice of grind-it-yourself Vanilla Maple, and my choice of grind-it-yourself Almond Amaretto.  The Vanilla Maple was on sale, along with the Cremebrule, however, they did not have enough of Cremebrule flavored beans to make enough of ground coffee.  My mom talked with a guy who looked to be a manager who told us we could pick out another flavor and substitute it for the sale price; victory!
Of course, when we were at the store, I walked by the granola, wishing I could have some in a cup with milk and just eat to my hearts content.  So instead of buying an overpriced bag of roasted sugary-oats, I decided to look up a pinterest recipe and make my own. 
When we got home, I braced the heat and humidity for a short run around the neighborhood, then laced up my oven mittens to make a nice batch of granola.
Simply Elizabeth's Original Granola Recipe
Cinnamon Vanilla
Ingredients for every 2 cups of oats: 3 tsp cinnamon\\ 1/2 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened preferred)\\ 2-3 tsp vanilla flavoring\\ 1 tbsp olive oil (or canola oil)\\ 1/2 cup honey\\ 1/2 cup chopped almonds and pistachios\\ pinch of salt\\ 1 egg white\\

Directions preheat 350F\\ mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately, then mix together thoroughly\\ place on butter sprayed tray (the 2 cups of oats recipe above fit on one pan; when I increased the recipe to 4 cups of oats, I used two trays when baking)\\ bake at 350F until golden brown and crunchy\\

It is a learned art when baking in the oven we have at home.  While baking the granola, the oats on the outer edges of the pan will brown faster than in the middle.  During the baking process, I would take the granola out every 10-20 minutes to mix around the oats to ensure no burned granola bits.  I know every oven is different, so baking time is relative; however, the baking time for me was around 40-50 minutes.  I like my granola darker and crunchier, just-not-burnt; so keep an eye out while you bake your granola!
This week not only consisted of experimenting in the kitchen, but also experimenting at the gym.  Since I had 'unlimited me-time' Tuesday and Thursday, I decided to mix around my gym schedule.  Instead of attending only spin class, I added a new class onto my schedule: H.E.A.T. class.  The best way I can describe this class is 'volleyball workouts.'  It is more-or-less intense circuit training, depending on how much effort you put into the workout.  We haven't done plyometrics (of which a lot of my volleyball workouts consisted), but the cardio centered weight workouts remind me of my greatly missed high school volleyball days.  There are many workouts which can also be seen in Jillian Michael's workouts, such as the 'inchworm.'  I have enjoyed this new workout routine and H.E.A.T. has introduced me to a lot of new workout moves, such as the Bosu Squat, something I will add when I do my pistol squats.  I am waiting to build up the courage to attend a Dance Fitness or Zumba class; I'll plan for it and force myself or beg my sister to try it out with me. 

After the gym on Tuesday, I went to The Christmas Tree Shops.  I went there to look at some picture frames and decided to buy a candy bar so I could make my Father's Day Craft (picture below).  During my trip, I made my way into the glass jar isle and wished I had the need and room in my house for all these jars.  There were also watermelon-designed pottery bowls, plates, and cups.  This was the kind of moment where I wished I could time travel 3 and 4 years into the future and give these to my future-self for my future-self's home.  
After I got done admiring the glassware and bought the chocolate bar, I went home and dressed the chocolate bar for Father's Day.

My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:11-12

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise-- "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4

Healthy Eating Tip #56: Make it, don't buy it.  When you make it rather than buy it, you know the ingredients.  Even salads can be healthier when made at home than when eating out. I feel a lot cleaner knowing what I put into my body is healthy for me which is why I rather eat in than out. 
But don't forget to treat yourself.  My current favorite treat is Moe's salad and the side of chips; tortilla chips are my weakness. . . which is why I eat at home.