
Sunday, March 13, 2016

I want S'more of Spring Break

Spring break 2016 has come and gone, and if I was the normal Elizabeth, I would be ready to go back to school; if I was the normal Elizabeth, this spring break would have been a lot different than it actually was, but life hits you and sometimes it hits pretty hard, so you just do what you can do with what you got.
Instead, this break was filled with case studies and care plans and documentaries {not as much work as I am making it sound} and cake and sweets out of the wazzoo - to include s'mores dip, which was made in our house an astounding two times this week; first time to celebrate me wanting s'mores and the second, to celebrate Alexandra.  
Indoor S'mores
{S'mores Dip}
Ingredients: Ceramic Polish Pottery// Indoor oven// bag of chocolate chips// bag of M&Ms// bag of marshmallows// graham crackers or vanilla wafers// 

Directions: Preheat oven to 250F// I had 1/3 bag left of chocolate chips, so I used what was left of the chocolate chips and grabbed the bag of M&Ms from my grandma and used what I needed to 'coat' the bottom of the ceramic polish pottery pie plate with chocolate// Add marshmallows to the top of the chocolate, I ended up using about a half bag of mini marshmallows to 'coat' the top of the pie plate// bake in oven at 250F to 300F for 10 to 15 minutes; I didn't really pay attention to how long I left it in the oven, I just wanted to make sure the chocolate was melted and the marshmallows were getting soft// Serve with graham crackers, or if you don't have those on hand like my family, dip vanilla wafers and make sure to share with your family!//
Healthy Eating Tip #547: Don't eat the way I have been eatingWhen it comes to eating your sorrows, I have gotten pretty good at that, that is why today's healthy eating tip is to not eat the way I have been eating lately -- chocolate after dinner, cereals for breakfast, and even mac-n-cheese during Friday dinners is NOT acceptable.  However, the s'mores dip is acceptable, but not healthy. . . so it isn't acceptable.  So maybe just eat a lot less than normal and hope for the best.  Long story short: just don't eat crap, I mean it's not that hard. HA - who am I kidding. . .
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Thankful for a sister full of dreams and dedication to the Lord.  My heart is filled with joy that she is able to serve Him with an open heart and an open mind, however its only been a few days and I miss her sweet smiles and encouraging pep-talks which I need a little bit more often now.  Come home, sweet Nora - I miss you; but enjoy yourself, 'cause these are some of the best days of your life.  Savor it. Take it in. Love the live you are living even though sometimes the circumstances are less than optimal.