
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Learning Through The Journey

This week I hit another wall full of obstacles that I had to bear through, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Despite the aching in my foot and in my heart, I have made it through another week. I guess you could call this a learning process - learning about life as you try to make it through the day; learning about people you thought you knew through and through; learning that people will disappoint you, that people don't always love as unconditionally as you may think; learning that you, a human, are not as in control of your life as you may have thought; learning how to cope when your nursing diagnosis label should be ineffective individual coping.
"We will get through this together."

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Time has flown by and though we were once young tikes digging up dirt on the side of Oma's house and talking about the cutest guys in middle school, now we are grown young adults with enough of sense in our heads to make it to the alter for marriage.  Hey now! It wasn't me who got married, I was just a bridesmaid; it was my trusty side-kick in digging to China who got married this past weekend to such a lovely man of God.  She could not have found a more worthy man of marriage; they are such the couple.
Of course, I have turned in to no one other than my own mother, but instead of pictures, I was the video-camera man.  Below is a preview of the upcoming #mackandmitchgethitched: The Journey.