
Sunday, May 29, 2016

She's a Pretty B16 Deal.

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
I have to say, my sister is a pro at dates.  If only she was a boy. . . But not really, cause I like her as my sister better.
But seriously, she planned a wonderful best-friend-girls-date with us sisters plus our adopted sister, aka my best friend, Hannie Morrie.  We had freshly cut watermelon, Alexandra's healthily famous chicken salad, humus, carrots and mildly-healthy chips. We spent almost all day in the sun, and have some narly sunburns to prove it; and yes, I know you must reapply sunblock, and we all did. . . for some reason my skin and sun just don't get along. We played skip-bo, which Alexandra won by a long stretch; and BS, which I won {cause I had the most cards}. Our cousin came and was able to witness, first hand, the crazy fun I have when my best friend is in my presence.
Next up was lunch at Chops, an awesomely yummy & chill restaurant in downtown Wilmy. Of course, yours truly goes for the loaded salad, while my brunettes go for pita sandwiches which have some fancy name I can't remember. Then we ran {well, walked as fast as my little rehabbing foot could take me} over to Kiliwins for some yummalicious ice cream. I was feeling coffee-flavored sugary goodness, and apparently so was Alexandra; Han went for the salted caramel, which was pretty tasty as well.
Rocking my man bun all the way home, tired and fresh-sunburn-sore, it was time to hit up the vinegar and aloe {so yeah, say what you want about the home-vinegar-alternative-medicine-remedy, but it can really save your butt, or back and foot in my case, when you have a seriously bad sunburn}.  Hannah slept over and so started the graduation celebration. . . 
#haesummeradventures #yoya
"You're my Nemo - if you get lost in the great, big ocean, I'll come and find you."
I got to say, this is the most people I have ever seen in my house at one time since we had birthday parties at my house when I was like, what, three and four years old; and of course I don't remember those days. 
After graduation, we had a mini-party at our house, and by mini-party I mean the majority of my close relatives and a few family friends came over to eat cake, drink coffee, chat & laugh, and even play some corn-hole.  Having the house filled with happy chatter and laughter of some of my most favorite people fulled my heart with such joy. On top of that, my sister is now a high school graduate! I am possibly more excited than she is. . .
So thankful for a sister who has, over the years, become my best friend.  Yes, I cried when she graduated, not because I was sad she is leaving high school and going onto college, not because I don't like seeing her grow up; but because I am so happy to watch her find her way -- excited to see how God challenges her and dares her to fall even more in love with Him.  I cry because I am beyond thankful God gave me such a special woman with whom to walk through the journey of life; I am blessed with her presence in my life and can't wait to see what is in store for us, both individually and as a sister-team.
So blessed to have come from such a wonderful high school; yes, it isn't perfect and there are those who make fun of our backgrounds, but I have seen it give me an academic advantage over others.  When I graduated, I didn't realize that my 'I miss high school' feeling would soon be over thrown by an excitement for my future, a desire to set goals and reach those goals no matter what adversity is faced. Knowing what is in store for little Al {who isn't so little anymore}, I am overly excited, possibly more excited than she is, because I know she is going to go out in the world and do great things; I mean, it is just part of her character!
#b16deal #nora