
Sunday, June 5, 2016


After the worst three months of my life, I can finally say I made it.  Not everything is back to normal, my ankle is yet to be 100% and inflammation can sometimes cause me issues.  Life will never be the same, but I have come so far, with the help of my family, my friends, and my God.  So thankful that God has given me a desire to get up everyday and put one foot in front of the other; so blessed God has given me people who have enabled my spiritual and physical growth through this healing process; so happy that God has given me the strength to continuously smile in the midst of life's insane challenges.
This week has been one of the busiest weeks I have had in a while; no worries, I didn't go skydiving or bungee jumping. . . yet.  Rather, I spent much time listening to music while pretending I was working on my research project; had a few best friend dates with my best gal pals; drank too much coffee and ate too much sugar; got some more rotation in my ankle joint; scheduled make-up clinical days; oh, and I made a small purchase and named her Remmie. So, my week wasn't 'nursing student' busy, but just give me about five more weeks and I'll be kicking it into high 'nursing student' gear - and boy, I have never been so excited. 
Reflecting on the valleys and mountains of the past few months and counting, I have been blessed to realize the small beauties of life.  
About a year ago, I was a totally different person; my attitude was filled with negativity, I was to the point where I became annoyed with anyone and everyone and I truly did not enjoy my life. 
Then July 2015 came around.  I was introduced with so many new things, mainly nursing school.  That month was the beginning of a new world for me, one filled with a new attitude; a new way of looking at people, a new way of looking at circumstances, and a new way thoroughly enjoying every moment of life.  Although the 'nursing school' life is saturated with stress and so many other emotions, I have been blessed with wonderful souls who I know will be there with me every step of the way. 
I began making plans and was sure my way was the only way.  Then, introduced with new circumstances, I began to more fully understand that my life is not my own; I was tested and challenged to trust the Lord in every aspect of life. There was a decent span of time where I was not a happy person, my circumstances wore on me emotionally; but with every stepping stone I come across in my healing process, it sometimes feels like I am always partying. Each stepping stone is a cause for celebration; not using crutches and being able to walk on two feet may not seem like a bid deal, but let me tell you that it is; planning clinicals and the rest of my college career is such a motivation inducer; obtaining transportation and gaining back my freedom which an unfortunate accident stole away from me is as breathtaking as turning up the music with the windows down, sunroof open, and hair flying.
I get a little insane every now and then, at least once a day.  When a good song comes on, I want to get up and dance; my mood used to be easily turned into negativity, but through these past few months filled with crazy challenges, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't be happy, why I shouldn't be joyful.  There is so much to celebrate, so much to enjoy, even if it is just listening to a good song while working on a research project, drinking my second cup of iced coffee outside under a shade tree on a perfectly sunny day.
Yeah, people will look at you like you are crazy when you jump in a shopping buggy outside ghetto-mart and let your best friend push you through the parking lot at a running speed.  But hey, these are the little celebrations of life; the joys that you can't get back if you are too 'normal.'