
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Swinging to my Own Beat

 As I begin to gain back the freedom a broken ankle has stolen from me, my life seems to become more and more exciting.  Sorry if you see me driving down the road and I seem like some kind of crazy person, it is hard for me to hold in the joy that comes from breaking up with 12+ solitary weeks of being held captive within walls of my home. 
As I continue my growth into adulthood, stress is only emphasized by the complications a terrible accident; my life seems more and more stressful. But days spent with beautiful souls who add color to my life are the days where I remember why I chose to continue living, why I chose to continue to tackle the seemingly continuous uphill battle.  
Over the past few weeks more than anything have I learned to swing to the beat of my own drum.  I am not thankful for the experiences, but I am ever so gracious for the lessons learned and information gained through such a time in my life.
Be unapologetically yourself being unique is a beautiful thing, and if others cannot see it, then they have more than likely fallen into the lie that being 'cool' is cool.  If it is weird to dance like a crazy person in your car to your favorite song, then let me be weird.  If it is lame to mix apple juice with your OJ, then let me be lame.  If it is bizzare to inhale caffiene like oxygen; if it is freakish to be overly enthusiastic about summer school, then so be it. Laugh loud, dance weird, smile always.  Life is so much easier when you spend it dancing to the beat of your own drum, being unapologetically yourself rather than listening to what others say is 'cool.'
Question anything and everything if you have no questions, you will never find answers. If you accept things for how they are and never dare to ask 'why' or 'how,' opportunities may be missed, moments will pass, and living passively will become a way of life.  'Living' is an action, so why live passively if you can be active in your way of life?  Ask questions, even if you think they are stupid; who cares if someone laughs! It is quite possible that they actually learned something through your question and its answer.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.{Matthew 7:7}
Think outside the box you may get stuck in trying to find a solution many a time, but there is a solution. Take on a new perspective, think unconventionally, and share your thoughts with others, because it may end up being their ticket to an opportunity which would have otherwise been missed. People may think you are crazy, and maybe you are, but you got some crazy good times ahead of you.
Be impulsive if my best friend has taught me anything, it is to be impulsive.  My mind normally works best when things are planned in advanced; over the past few years I have become less dependent on being structured and a little more impulsive.  Sometimes you need to take an unexpected trip to the park to eat lunch.  Sometimes you need to take a four day trip to PA.  
Sometimes you need to let your hair down and do something crazy, something that people would never guess you would do {just the right amount of crazy, not overly crazy, 'cause that is too crazy!}.
So maybe I am not impulsive enough to fit your definition, but hey, I am just unapologetically being myself.
 Know where you are going in life confidence in your future is so crucial in this mixed-up world.  So many people just aimlessly walk around, their goal to just make it through the day.  How wonderful would the world be if more people made it their goal to live with a purpose; to make it their purpose to find their purpose then live that purpose to the fullest. The most beautiful people are those who are passionate about their future and embrace challenges with determination, no matter how crappy their situation. Where to find the motivation to live your life like it actually matters? Well that is what makes 'purpose' so unique, so gorgeously beautiful.  Finding the match to start the fire in your soul may be really challenging for you -- start with finding joy in the little things; a cool breeze that rushes through the window on a cloudy day's drive, a random song on the radio with a really cool beat, a nice conversation with stranger, a smile from the passerby as you walk to your next class, getting up on your feet and walking, a cup of coffee.  Being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that your research project and summer clinical course will be completed and that it serves a purpose, is a motivation to continue pursuing the uphill challenge.  People will see your dedication, your determination; you may not be able to see it now, but you are an inspiration to those around you.  Keep pushing, keep dancing; because even when it looks like the end is near, beauty can be found.
 Have too much fun enjoy every moment, no matter how painful or how awkward they can be.  From 10PM fully-loaded nachos with two of my favorite crazy gals to sister dates with my two brunette soul-sisters to painfully addicting physical therapy parties with my stiff but working ankle, life seems to finally be headed back to a more 'normal' positive note.  
About twelve and fourteen weeks ago, my life was filled with seemingly constant tears with one obstacle after another, tiring my weary soul.  It is beautiful to be a first-hand witness of God intertwining beauty through my life; He is there even when you are doubtful of his presence.  He will take your hand, listen to your tears, and tell you, "We are going to work through this together; you are not doing this alone." There will be a multitude of moments where you feel so alone, like you are walking through challenges and trying to jump over obstacles completely by yourself; you may be in a room full of people, but still feel hopeless and abandoned.  There were plenty moments where I felt like there was no way I was going to make it through my struggles, like I could never be happy again, like I would never smile again.
But things have changed, I have changed, my attitude has changed, my atmosphere has changed, everything had changed {except for the fact that I still love coffee}.  When change first hits you, it can leave a few bruises, maybe some scars, and a distress soul; but if you let God work in your heart, He can turn an terrible accident into a beautiful mess, an inspiring learning situation, molding you into someone more ready for the future plans He has in store for you.