
Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Beauty in the Transformation

If you go back a few blogs ago, you will see I wrote about 16 things that I wanted to do in 2016, my '2016 bucket list.'  
I waltzed into this year expecting to make it my golden year, expecting it to go my way. There were so many things I wanted to do; I wanted to refine myself, to become healthier and refine my self-control, to get more fit and sail through school on the A-train. I wanted to take part in new adventures and become someone new {for example, a fan girl} even if just for a short time.
"May the next few months be a period of beautiful transformation."
Long story short, my golden year has not really gone my way at all, but it is still, nonetheless, my golden year. The chaos in starting the year off on the wrong foot, almost literally, has turned out to be nothing less than beautiful - but it only by the powerful hand of God that I am able to attest to the beauty of the chaos.
I got a limp and a little bit of a belly, but the transformation is truly the beautiful aspect of life.
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This week was full of laughs and good conversations with beautiful souls.  Being able to drive to our dinner destination and walk into the restaurant to then converse and laugh with beautiful friends is such a blessing; something I have, in a sense, taken for granted five months ago.  I have a little party in my head when I put my right foot on the ground; I have a little party in my head when I pick up my car keys and walk towards the garage door; I have a little party in my head when I am able to tell my friends of the wonders God has done in my life the past few months.  Driving is a blessing; walking is a blessing; and sharing laughs and tears and food with some of the world's most wonderful souls is such a blessing.
So Vietnamese food really isn't like my thing - I mean, this is the first time I have consumed it, and although it was wonderful {like really good - I need to go on a diet}, I have no idea, really, what I ate; mainly, I have no idea what the dishes were actually called and even if I did, I would have no idea how to actually pronounce them.  So when I say that Vietnamese food really isn't my thing, I really mean 'here is a cluster of pictures of Vietnamese food that tasted wonderful, now you go and try it cause it was pretty good!'
PS. next time I will ask for the tofu grilled, cause it seems like fried anything will make my belly cry of 'unhealthy food' pains.
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 Jumping into that season of white and/or red skin, chlorine flavored hair, lots of food {hopefully the healthy kind}, lots of water {the drinking kind and the swimming kind}, naps, and good company. 
Emphasis on the red skin, cause it seems like I just can't tan this summer.
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So here ends the seemingly random-ness of my week. 
I wrapped up my week with a wonderfully successful follow-up with my broken ankle doctor and a couple sets of bosu squats.  It's the little things that excite me - like being able to walk into the doctor's office which you have either always crutched or wheeled {via wheelchair}. Its the little victories of finally thinking to myself 'lets go try some bosu squats' and then going and successfully feeling the burn in my muscle-less right leg.
It is funny, the crazy things God can teach you through the healing and rehab process of a broken ankle; the emotional roller coaster of an overwhelming situation becomes such a fertile ground for change, for a beautiful transformation.