
Sunday, July 31, 2016


Life is like truth or dare, but without the truth.
Some dares you willingly take on and others, well, they just get thrown at you.
Some dares are four weeks long, jam-packed full with 20 chapters, spanning 900 pages and millions of words; other dares take about 12 minutes, that is, depending on how fast you can run.
Some dares are agonizing, filled with tears, pain, and pain killers to numb the pain and the tears; other dares are filled with joy, excitement and loud music accentuating the perfection of living, wholly content, in the moment. 
Some dares involve 0500 mornings. 
Others involve a mug full of coffee and a mind set on nothing but studying, which lately, has been a tad difficult.
Some dares involve ignoring all the distractions being thrown your way -- yeah, that's me right now.

Five months and eleven days after possibly the worst evening I have had to endure, I placed one foot in front of the other, in an accelerated fashion, and was able to run//jog a mile in less than twelve minutes -- blowing my goal of one mile in fifteen minutes by August 12 out of the water. 
I dared myself, and with the motivational words of my physical therapist running through my thoughts, I busted out of my comfort zone, literally, and met my goal of semi-normalcy a little over two weeks in advance. 
Dare to go big, 'cause you may just surprise yourself.
Know that sometimes 'taking a break' is actually a bad idea, because then you wrestle with your emerging inner fan-girl, causing a lack of focus on the remainder of the summer semester. 
I am twenty years old -- I am not supposed to have fan-girl moments any more. . . right?  wrong. 
I wonder if I'll be this weird when I am thirty. . .
or do you never really grow out of your weirdness?
Maybe it is because I was deprived of a proper fan-girly childhood or because I just get really excited over little silly things and accidentally geek out all over the place.
Nah, Pokemon is too mainstream for me {but I really have no idea what Pokemon is other than a red, white, and black ball-shaped thing}.  
I'm over here being hipster when hipster is no longer hipster anymore: 
Nerd-Nursing Nellie
Fanatic Fan-girl Felecia
Really-slow Running Rudolph 
Geeky Gertrude.

I would have to say, it is a little to nerdy to be overly excited about life, right? Cause there are so many things that make me want to 'jump for joy' even though my right ankle hasn't rehabilitated into Jumping Juniper.
oh hi! welcome to nursing school where stickers you take from the Peds floor of the hospital are extremely relevant to nursing school students.