
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Your Challenges are Beautiful

In honor of all my challenges the past few months, I can officially say
l a t e r   a l l i g a t o r
to PT and those little voices in my head that told me 
y o u   c a n ' t .
Remember you are stronger than you think and more capable than you give yourself credit. 
S h o o t   f o r   t h e   s t a r s , 
d o n ' t   s t o p   b e l i e v i n g ; 
whatever song is your anthem, keep with your hope, because God will come through and give you so many more blessings than you believe you are worth.
You  c a n  do it.
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It's easier said than done: don't stress
I just got my psychiatric nursing textbook in the mail yesterday, and I am sure you have already assumed that I began reading it; well, congrats, you are surely aware of the absolute presence of my geeky-ness. 
Well, the first chapter was dedicated to the term 'stress,' and mentioned how loosely the term is used in the twenty-first century. It reminded the reader of the parasympathetic autonomic system ('rest and digest') and the sympathetic autonomic system ('fight or flight'), that being the biologic reactions to any type of stress.  Why is stress such a negative thing?  Well, when taken in small doses, a little stress and slight anxiety actually helps the process of adaptation; in other words, the being is able to adapt quicker and becomes stronger throughout the process.  However, stress becomes negative when it is prolonged, when mild anxiety turns into moderate, severe, or even panic.
So maybe I should revise what I said before: be sure to stress, but not too much.
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I say this to all the senior nursing students who will be starting back up this next week into their last year: 
Enjoy it, because no matter how stressful our moments will be, we can never get them back.  Bask in the challenges and stresses, because they make the victory all the more worth it; because they are truly beautiful.
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I say this to all the freshman students who will be jumping straight into their first year of the unknown: 
When you think of college courses, I am sure you think stress piled upon stress in the form of thick and overpriced books.
S T O P   S T R E S S I N G
You don't even know how wonderful the next years of your life will be. They will be filled with classes that seem too short and abundant free time to drink coffee and become a walking book of knowledge.  Stop worrying about the possibility that everything will be more stressful than the last chapter of your life; there is no way every single individual will be filled with snobbish-qualities; there is no way every single college course will be as challenging as AP Chem. 
Let college change you
become more humble, realizing that there is always someone better than you; 
become more loving, accepting the sinner but not the sin; 
become more patient, driving faster will really only get you there two minutes faster; 
become a coffee-aholic, I mean yeah sure it costs money and sometimes you get the jitters, but coffee is lyfe; 
become involved, because there is no better time then when you have no ties to boys or careers to spread your wings and fly.
This week I took a trip into the school where I spent the last part of my summer playing the 'catch up and transfer' game to deliver a personal thank-you to the dean of the nursing school.  This was the first time I was able to meet her in person, that being not over an email or phone call.  I wanted to personally thank her for allowing me this opportunity and to pass along the gratitude to all individuals who took part in my summer, whether directly or indirectly.
This school touched me and impacted me in a very unique way.  The staff, whether it bee nursing faculty or the individuals in the cashier's office or the campus police office or the student health services office, were helpful and encouraging, and when they allowed me to indulge even slightly into my 2016's story, they were thankful to the Lord as well.  The students who I sat among during my time there accepted me in as if I had been there from the start; they added to my positive experience, and within the four weeks I was there, I even made some really good friends along the way.
In the Corner with Elizzy:
A Book Review 
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
This book tells the story of a young Vee who gets sucked into the idea that playing a game 'like truth or dare, but without the truth' is a good idea.  Worse than that, the character, Ian, who she falls for throughout the story is a cliche character, filled with perfection in such a way that makes this story unbelievable.  Not stopping there, Ryan is afraid to torture or kill any of her characters; yeah sure the characters start going into panic mode and they get many a couple scratches, but I never really felt the horror which these characters were going through.  One of the last scenes, which consist of at least six chapters, is unbelievable and, to be honest, just plain bad; pointing guns at each other for twenty minutes, really? At least make it interesting for the readers.
So I am not 100%-mean, yes I asked myself a couple times how this book was even published, but, to be honest, the idea behind it all was superb; the way she carried out the idea could use some serious revisions.  
Recently, the movie Nerve which was loosely based on the piece of fiction by Ryan was the motive behind purchasing and reading the book.  In all the book-movie pairs I have read and watched, the book always surpassed the movie, just because, for the most part, a two hour movie is unable to capture all the events and emotions of the book.  However, this time it was not the case; the movie outdid the book, and I'm not just saying that because Emma Roberts and Dave Franco are perfectly entertaining to watch on the big screen.